Dream Navigation

It’s time to discover purpose.

Energy and Consciousness


If you happened to meet the Pope or the Dalai Lama or the President of the United States and they wanted to know who you truly are, what would you tell them? Do you know what your calling is? Some say that your only purpose in life is to discover your own life’s purpose.

There are people who have been fortunate enough to find their calling at a young age; others have navigated aimlessly, without direction, always searching for their own purpose in life. It can take years to understand what you are meant to do, but I believe your dreams are already inside of you, waiting to surface.

Life will take you places you could never even imagine, if you allow for it. Train yourself to be present and look for meaning in everything. When you find yourself scanning through random articles or blog posts and stumble on to something special that piques your interest, it will be worth your while to take a careful read. I believe we are guided through the daily overload of technology and information to exactly what we need, when we need it. It’s important to understand that signs will be revealed when we are open and receptive to all that surrounds us.

There is one single force we must encounter on our journey towards fulfillment: Resistance. We are in a constant stream of energy with resistance to change. Our ego feeds on resistance and will do whatever it can to keep us from our dreams. Resistance can take many forms including feelings of unworthiness, laziness and denial. Author Wayne Dyer describes the ego as “edging God out”. We will encounter struggles of every shape and size, all with the purpose of pushing through our blockages and moving into the flow. You are in the flow when you feel like your most authentic, creative self.

“The more important a call or action is to our soul’s evolution, the more resistance we will feel toward pursuing it.” Steven Pressfield

When we follow our dreams, we are in the flow of an invisible natural force in the Universe. Best-selling author Steven Pressfield describes resistance as the invisible negative force we will undoubtedly encounter when moving towards our dreams. By law, we must experience the yin and yang. If we push forth this resistance, we continue on into the flow and towards divine purpose.

For the last 5 months, I have been educating myself in many areas of motivation, self-development and spirituality. I am fortunate enough to have many great teachers who I turn to for guidance. I had discovered my calling which is to build a business around connecting people to their favorite teachers, motivators and coaches in a new way. I had gained clarity and developed the tools necessary in order to start building a stronger online following. A month ago, I hit a wall. I stopped writing and started to numb myself with activities that didn’t align with my purpose. I started to feel a deep sense of anxiety from ignoring my intuition and overlooking all of the signs.

This was the first time in my life that I quickly understood why I started to feel such negativity in my body. Because of my teachings, I actually understood and felt how unnatural it is to move away from my flow, creating more anxiety and fear through the process. I was ignoring my soul’s yearning by halting the momentum I had gained. I have found that it actually becomes more painful to not do, than to actually do.

In order to continue down the right path, it is important to allow yourself the down-time and fun-time when needed; however, if you do not get back to work when your intuition comes knocking, you are removing yourself from the flow and being redirected away from your own dreams! This is the hypothetical “fork in the road” that we hear about in every story and now encounter in our daily lives. Which direction will you choose? You know where you need to go, but are you ready? The Universe will not bring what you are not yet ready for.

Now it’s time for us to dig a little deeper. What prevents us from pushing through resistance when we are ready? There is a similarity between people who focus too much on the future and those who can’t let go of their past.

Some of us find fake versions of happiness in anticipation of something or someday in the future. Unfortunately, as soon as we reach our point of destination in time, we are now focused on something completely different. If we are only looking for what tomorrow brings, we begin to lose faith in what miracles and signs we have in the present. Only in the present can you work through resistance and be in the flow.

On the other hand, some of us torture ourselves with bad memories from our past. When you focus too much on the past, you are literally recreating a world of struggle and bad experiences. It has been proven that the body doesn’t understand the difference between a real or an imaginary thought. Every time you have a negative thought, your brain releases chemicals. Because of the mind-body connection, you are continuously living in toxicity and disease from past negativity into present negativity. We can become crippled by fear and not strong enough to break through the force of resistance. For our health, it is detrimental for us to let go of past disappointments.

Is there a trick? To look beyond is to envision what you want for your life while keeping a strong hold in the present. The purpose of having a vision is to feel now what it would be like when you reach these goals. It means you should act as if you already have your dreams present in your life. Staying centered in the present helps you feel gratitude for the incredible journey that is yours. If you believe your life is abundant and magical with endless opportunities, this is true. If you believe your life is hopeless, full of regret and missed opportunities, this is also true. Even through typing that last sentence, I felt a dip in my energy level.

Although there are many tools to help motivate and inspire you, the most simple and basic solution to realigning yourself back into the flow is… to sit your butt down and do the work! We all have this natural tendency to resist and procrastinate. We listen to the endless chatter of our ego claiming that we will never be good enough. The majority of people will never pursue what they know they need to. This is a time for us to push forward in what we know we must do!

“In the end, we only regret the chances we didn’t take, the relationships we were afraid to have and the decisions we waited too long to make. ” Unknown

To become strong in the present will allow you to break through the force of resistance and into the flow of creative change. When you are in your flow, you are actively manifesting your dreams into reality. Finally feeling a sense of belonging, there is nowhere else you would rather be. You are a divine, passionate individual who has a unique gift to share with the world. Don’t let this pass you by.

I am working on a project and currently looking for teachers, coaches, speakers and motivators for interviews. If you know of anyone to send my way, please email me at monica@monicatucker.org.




Energy and Consciousness

Entrepreneur. Student of Religion and Spirituality. Teacher. Creator. Motivator. Seeker. Philanthropist. Traveler.