Please Don’t Eat the Feelings…

Temani F. Aldine
Energy and Consciousness
2 min readNov 26, 2014


If you season your food with anger, resentment, jealousy or sadness, it will not be a healthy meal.

When you hear or see the word Thanksgiving, what do you think of? I associate it with my Aunt Opal’s delectable sweet potato pie. I am sure you have your Thanksgiving favorite, but often it’s not only about the food. When people gather with family, old memories and unprocessed emotions are likely to come to the surface. It’s a recipe for stress eating.

I may not be the first to tell you that how you do something is very important. Sometimes more important than what you do. The mindset and emotional state you bring to the table can affect your digestive process. This in turn influences the amount of nutrition you receive. So, Thanksgiving is a good time for this message: If you season your food with anger, resentment, jealousy or sadness, it will not be a healthy meal. Different parts of your body will register pain or discomfort. And the emotions can stay with long after the food has turned to fertilizer.

I propose an ounce of prevention. Before you eat, try this simple meditation:
*Sit quietly with your eyes closed and your body relaxed.
*Observe your breathing, by noticing 3 breaths.
*Then exhale slowly through your mouth.
*Release as much air as possible and slowly inhale all the way into your belly. *Keep your eyes closed and imagine the faces of your family members or your Thanksgiving dinner companions.
*As you smile, imagine each person smiling. Hold the smile for 3 breaths.
*Don’t worry if the smile doesn’t hold, just move on to the next person. *Then smile again and as you imagine each person smiling say ‘thank you.’
*Bring your palms together and rub them vigorously while counting to 10.
*Stop. Relax your hands and open your eyes.

You are now ready to eat your food without your feelings. Please enjoy your meal!



Temani F. Aldine
Energy and Consciousness

Living my dreams: a communicator, meditator, advocate and traveler on a journey of the heart and mind.