Monica Rodriguez
Energy and Consciousness
3 min readApr 8, 2015


Re-defining Calories, Carbs, Proteins and Fats!

I once used food as my security blanket, my emotional friend, my obsessive partner, and to be honest, I never thought that such “relationships” would lead me to the deepest spiritual connection around food.

We’ve been socially conditioned to see food as a simple calorie, carbohydrate, protein, fat, etc. But there is SO much more behind these well-known terms!

All living creatures (including the human, animal and plant kingdom) posses an internal intelligence that is revealed through organized information. This internal intelligence resides within all living organisms, and is unique and literally vital to their operation. You can call this intelligence Life Force, Life Essence, Infinite Love, or whatever resonates deeply with you. Quantum physics calls it information, and so considers a living organism as a complex information-processing system.

You are an energetic being filled with Life Force, and the food you chose to ingest has this beautiful and intelligent Life Force within it as well! Since life’s essence comes from its informational properties, nourishing your body with living foods can be a great way to connect with your Essence and the Essence of all life. So can loving, appreciating and enjoying what you eat create this synergy of vibrant energy around you food!

Between a living organism and its environment, there is and has always been a constant communication and interaction. As long as this dialogue continues, there is life. All plant life keep on with this dialogue even after you “cut them off” from the tress or the ground. For example, when you pick a piece of fruit or cut off a stem, the dialogue still goes on. Another example could be observed when we consume raw plant food, in which the raw plants begin to communicate with our own body. So within this perspective, raw plant food is living food that contains this precious Life Force within it. This shows how limiting it is to think about food only as a source of protein, carbohydrates, fat, minerals, vitamins, and water.

A living organism is filled with Divine intelligence, and it naturally knows what to do.Cells communicate with each other, benefiting the organism they belong to, and they do so with meticulous precision. Each cell has its own things to do and all of it is important to the organism’s wellbeing. Communication takes place at every cell, molecule, even atom. When something that you consume is alive, it contains this Divine intelligence within, and therefore will communicate in perfect reciprocity with your body. Therefore, we can see that this food is interacting with us at a much deeper level than its separate components.

If we want to re-define the way in which we perceive calories, fats, protein, carbs, etc., we must start with a paradigm of wholeness, in which we no longer see life separate from us, but rather in connection to us. We must no longer perceive food as a separate entity of molecules and density with diverse nutrients, but as a whole living being pulsating Life Force that is waiting to communicate with us as we chose to interact with it through our grateful and appreciative act of eating.

This is a fascinating subject, and I will be talking about this on my next two blog posts, since I know this will benefit you immensely and you’ll start finding the connection between spirituality and food!

Are you ready to let go of your rigid views around food and open yourself to a paradigm of wholeness? I’d love to hear from you so leave your comments below! And if you need that extra support to let go of what no longer serves you, I’d love to help you!

With boundless Love,


