What Is Karma And How It Works

Nuno Alves
Energy and Consciousness
4 min readFeb 14, 2014


The following is an excerpt of a complete Akashic Records reading, which you can read here.

The concept of karma is not addressed explicitly in some religions, such as Christianity. However, the idea that what you do comes back to you, that “you reap as you sow”, and also the concept of “sin” by which you are judged after death, transmit the notion that your actions may have some implication or consequence.

In a very simplistic manner, karma is the energy that is created every time you cause suffering to another being. Karma is measured by the negative emotion that was inflicted.

The foundation of karma is that the suffering is not really inflicted onto the other being, but instead upon yourself — on your own Soul and energy. This is derived from the 4D (see the chart) realization that All Are One. The energy of karma is accumulated and “carried around” by the person that does the harmful action, not by those who receive it.

When someone happens to receive an act of suffering at the hands of someone, that occurs strictly to the degree that the person has itself accumulated the corresponding karma through past actions. In that sense, no harm is actually done to others: all suffering is truly self-inflicted — at least in a broad spiritual perspective. This is true for all events in life.

The way Souls explore any given subject or theme, is first 1) by doing an action, it second 2) by receiving it (i.e. the same action being done to them, or, an action which causes an equivalent emotional result), and third 3) by acceptance, understanding, and healing.

When an action is performed, you can’t do it, and have it done to you, both at the same time. This is why these two roles are separated, and Souls take turns exploring each one.

Imagine that you are a glass, or a mirror. Every time you cause pain or separation to the external world, you are in truth smashing yourself. The pieces and shards of the mirror — yourself — shattered by that violence, become separated from your Soul. Each of those pieces is one of your karmic attributes.

The shard is not really separated from you. It is an illusion. Your Soul is always whole. But by temporarily holding the negative emotion within the self, one believes/feels/sees the shard as being separated.

Each one of the shards will need to be reintegrated within you, for you to become whole again. That is what healing means. The integration will necessarily involve facing the negative emotion that originally caused the separation, because that same emotion is still actively creating the distance between you and the shard.

Facing the negative emotion always implies feeling it, which will most likely happen by attracting a corresponding external negative situation. Each shard will attract that which originally broke it, so that it can be healed.

This is why the second stage is to experience the equivalent of what was performed in the past. Nuno calls it “karma burn”. This is also why 4D is often seen as an energy, not only of Love and compassion, but also of victimization, suffering, and even martyrdom, because it follows 3D, when most negative actions that cause harm were done.

The lines aren't drawn strictly. Karma is independent of level of awareness. You can still perform negative action and accumulate further karma while already operating at 4D. However the focus has become less about causing negative action of 3D, and more about melding back its own Soul pieces through Love and acceptance, 4D.

The danger of a person not going through its karma is, over time, falling back to its negative patterns. (…) Why? Because the human spirit forgets easily over time — unless the lesson has been integrated at Soul level.

When you have that “gut feeling” that you shouldn't do something in life — when you feel you don’t want to lie, hurt another, be dishonest, or any other life choice — that’s because a karmic lesson was previously learned, through the act of performing the action first, and then experiencing the result, later.

It’s going through this process that “engraves” the lesson, and prevents the Soul from falling back in awareness. This is how karma works.

Karma is not a mechanism of punishment. Such would imply a judgement of some sort by an external entity, against an arbitrary set of criteria. That does not happen. Your path cannot be judged, nor can it be comparable to any other entity in Existence. Karma is entirely self-driven, and “automatic”, so to speak.

Karma is a mechanism of lesson. A potentially harsh one, indeed. But one that enforces the guarantee that, sooner or later, you will learn the lesson at Soul level, that you wished to explore. It is what guarantees that you leave the incarnation cycle better, more evolved, as a Soul, than when you first went into it.

Otherwise there would be no guarantee that, in a system of complete free will, where each human can do exactly as it wishes, you wouldn't become lost forever, eternally breaking yourself apart more and more by your separation acts, and without any discernible mechanism by which you could rise in consciousness again.

I perform online distance readings of the Akashic Records, knowing only your name. For more info see here. For examples of full readings see here and here. This article was originally published at heartki.com.



Nuno Alves
Energy and Consciousness

I perform distance readings of the Akashic Records for others. Based at heartki.com.