We Are All Energy Healers

Elizabeth Thompson
Energy and Consciousness


All of us. No exceptions. No kidding.

Think about it. We learn in Reiki classes that energy follows intent. In other words, energy follows thought. Now, that is a scary thought because a lot of what we dwell on isn’t nourishing and nurturing us. It’s sometimes negative and stressful. But still, energy follows our thoughts.

It’s the principle and mechanism behind the Law of Attraction, vision boarding, affirmations, visualizations, etc., anything we do to engage universal energy and get it to do our bidding. Sometimes we get what we want; sometimes we don’t. I’m in a place now where I’ve put everything I had into a plan and it’s just not panning out. The gold is eluding me, and I catch myself feeling frustrated, resentful, and trapped.

Battling the darkness

I know things will never work out while I feel so down, so I reach for the edge of the positive: I’m better off than I was 5 years ago (mentally and emotionally, at least); others have far greater struggles than mine; things are OK, not sustainable, but for now OK; I’ve done a lot of work to help others succeed; I’ve been of service. I can rest in these more positive thoughts.

Then sometimes the darkness returns, and I get upset and frustrated again. Why are others getting what they want and I’m not? Why are other people happy and not me? I generate a dark cloud of energy on my chest, throat, shoulders, and in my mind. I know this because I feel it. My throat and muscles tighten; I get a headache; I breathe shallowly. People look at me and know I don’t feel good.

Shaming myself for being negative or living in denial of my problems or belittling myself for my pettiness aren’t the answers. They do nothing to rid myself of the energy. I have to face what I’ve created and take care of it myself.

Dispelling the darkness

Thankfully, I’ve discovered many options. Have you ever wondered why you feel better after crying, venting to a friend, exercising, meditating, beating on pillows, tapping, creating something, belly breathing, belly laughing, or getting a sound night’s sleep? I believe it’s because these things dispel those energies. We’re going to create them. That’s life. We’re human. But once we do, we can get rid of them. For a while, at least.

Nothing, though, is a substitute for digging down to the thoughts and beliefs that are the source of our stress. Dispelling those, now that’s the real alchemy. Once you see your pattern of behavior or your programming and where it came from or your role in conflicts, you can truly change. Your structure changes to reflect your new level of awareness. It shifts and opens to release the old dysfunction and allow in a new flow of life. You trade rigidity and ignorance for fluidity and light. There’s no going back from that. And that’s a good thing.

How do you do that? I rely heavily on journaling to help me. I also talk to others, not necessarily as a way to vent but as a way to analyze, to figure out my life. And something interesting usually happens when I’m either writing or speaking or focusing on a problem in my mind — the underlying “aha” belief pops out. And it’s usually something I’ve never thought of.

Finding hidden beliefs

I gained insight into my current struggles when I was irritated at a slow restaurant drive-thru. I started talking to myself out loud in my car. (Now, don’t be like that. You know everybody does it.) I got off-topic and started venting about my life and out popped the thought “Nothing good ever happens to me!” Yikes, I didn’t see that one coming, but it was true. I did believe it, deep down. Then something else interesting happened. I started picking at it and proving it wrong, and what was at first disturbing and scary suddenly lost its power. I could see it and examine it like anything that has a form of its own — rock, a leaf. It was no longer mine and therefore had no influence over me anymore. Good things do happen to me. I felt so free.

I harp on awareness in my writings because it truly is life-changing. Mind-changing. Once you see what’s going on in your life — your patterns, how you’re living someone else’s life, deep beliefs you never knew you had — you don’t have to worry about working at temporary solutions to dispel your darker energies. Those thoughts and energies are already gone — for good.

And we did it. We healed ourselves.

If you want to read more about my ideas and experiences, read my book, a guided journal called The Hunger for Home. It’s available at Amazon.

