From a different viewpoint

Colin Irving
Power and the Pandemic
2 min readMar 8, 2021

Since the beginning of the pandemic, the lives of countless people have been drastically affected and has forced many people to make sacrifices and change their entire way of living. From daily transportation to career security, people have had to adapt to this situation in order to succeed in their goals.

While having a conversation with my boss at work, I wanted to gain his perspective on how the pandemic has affected the business and what the future will look like in terms of recovering from the pandemic.

“How did COVID affect the business?”

Fred: “To name a few, everyone is required to wear masks obviously, the layout of the store has changed, and our sales have slightly gone down. However, this is mostly offset by the large amount of delivery orders that we get daily.”

“When do you think we’ll be able to get out of this pandemic?”

Fred: “It all depends on peoples’ attitudes toward wearing masks and social distancing which does not look very good right now. If people keep continuing these old habits, this thing could get worse before it gets any better. Given that, I would not be surprised if we are still social distancing in 2023.”

“What do you think people should be doing to help stop the spread?”

Fred: “Do what we have been told to do since the beginning: wash hands, wear masks, and social distance. People need to realize that virus will not go away over-night and that there are still people that are getting sick.”


Based on my managers answers, we still have a long way to go if we are to recover from the pandemic. It is also noted that attitude plays a big role on the spread of the virus and has led to many shutdowns across the nation. He believes that if people kept the same attitude towards the pandemic that they did when it started, we might have been COVID-free by now.

Regardless of whether or not we keep that same attitude, there is still a virus spreading around the world and affecting the lives of countless people. If our situation does not improve within the next year, we will dig ourselves in a deeper hole than where we started. If it is somehow possible to set the attitudes of people right about COVID, then more people will be concerned about what their own life and the lives of others will be like in the future.

Works Cited

Polone, F (March 2021) Pandemic Interview



Colin Irving
Power and the Pandemic

My name is Colin Irving and I am a sophomore at the University at Buffalo. I am currently studying in the school of management and a supporter of clean energy.