Leaving a job on good terms can make a huge difference

Garima Gayatri
Energy Clique
Published in
3 min readSep 11, 2019

Congratulations! You have finally found what you were looking for. A better career opportunity and you really do not wish to let it go. You are probably thinking about how to break the news to your current employer. Well, the more you dwell into it, the more it seems to be larger than it actually is. So, straighten up and do the magical thing — Talk to your boss! Communication helps when everything else appears to stand in the way. If you fear being judged, it’s fine but it is important to talk. Leave if you must but, gracefully and on good terms. Leaving a job on good terms will help you and your employer keep the gates open for any future collaboration. Recent surveys indicate that employers today are more open to the idea of hiring a past employer than they were a few years ago. Certainly, this is a welcoming change.

(Suggested Read: Feeling guilty about quitting your job? Here’s why you shouldn’t)

Yes, leaving a job on good terms is very much possible:

Serve the standard notice period

Once you have communicated honestly with your boss about it, it’s time to follow the professional code. Your employment contract must be having a notice period, make sure that you honour that. Remember, the notice period is not a punishment or an attempt to make you stay in the company against your wishes. It is simply a way to help the company prepare for the position you will be leaving behind. It can stretch from two weeks to two months. Give yourself and your present organization that time to work on things together.

An employee is an integral part of the complete organizational structure, especially in a small or medium set up. Even if one person leaves the system without giving any space to the system to recover, it affects the entire organization. Had it been for machines, we wouldn’t experience this problem in the workspace. But we are humans and any organization is driven by its people.

Share your experiences with your colleagues

Be it for two weeks or two months, you will have time to connect well with your co-workers while serving your notice period. Make the most of it. Share your experiences of working with them. Let them know how you learned and evolved along with them and what you learned from them. People always cherish this gesture and doesn’t it make us all human? Your colleagues will remember you and you would remember them. This matters, let them know.

Offer to find and train your replacement

An important part of leaving a job on good terms is that you offer to find or train your replacement. And you need not feel that the company is expecting too much from you on this. Even if you are not asked to, you can offer to help. It simply reflects that you care and is not merely desperation for a better job or salary that you are leaving. This gesture would help your boss believe in you and he would always appreciate this.

We are here to help you if you are thinking about quitting your job. Feel free to reach out to us for any guidance in your oil and gas career. Our Career Help section will help you through the different phases of your professional life.

(The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of Energy Dais.)

By Garima Gayatri | Editor Energy Dais

Originally published at https://insights.energydais.com on September 11, 2019.



Garima Gayatri
Energy Clique

A writer inspired by stories of smithereens. I write to make some sense of the nothingness, we all call life.