Arduino based ultrasonic sensitized hand sanitizer

Energy Club
Published in
1 min readJan 3, 2021

Developer: Biswakesh Naik


To build a ‘many purpose hand sanitizer’ with flexible capacity, having automated liquid release only when it senses hand under the nozzle.


It is a hand sanitizer designed using ultrasonic sensor with a certain given range within which if we get our hands, the liquid falls from the nozzle.

Generally, in the markets, fixed size sanitizers are sold with limited capacity. So, this was made aiming to overcome the barrier of fixed container size. Since the capacity is flexible, we can use both at a household level (where size requirement is small) and industrial level (where container needs to be large).

It is an extremely simple machine which operates on the basis of a circuit. As a hand approaches the machine and enters into its range, the sensor generates a signal, which is sent to the controller (Arduino). It is connected to a relay or a smart switch which closes the circuit. When the circuit closes, a fixed amount of liquid hand sanitizer is released from the nozzle. A standard amount has been calibrated from before, in the device, ensuring a proper hand sanitization, without much wastage of the substance.

