The Auto-IMMACULATE Solar Panels Bot

Energy Club
Published in
2 min readJan 2, 2021

Developers: Sarthak Kumar Kar, Ashis Tripathy, Kaibalya Kumar Sahoo, Pakruti Ranjan Sahoo.

Autonomous solar panel cleaning for efficient cleaning and enhancing solar efficiency of entire fields using image

In the era of energy conservation and efficient harness of it, solar energy comes to the picture where we can get significant amount of energy. But due to some geographical factors the panel used for harness of solar energy often gets dusty. This affects the complete output setup and the optimum efficiency couldn’t be achieved to the grid. So a proper cleaning methodology should be developed which can be implemented to get the optimum output results. To curb this problem, we have designed a well-advanced automated solar powered bot which can clean the panel surface as well as analyse output parameters data and can effectively act upon. With the help of image processing algorithm, we can detect the exact location of any type of accumulation over the panel and the bot will align itself accordingly to do some rigorous cleaning at that point.

