Managing More Than Lessons: How Effective Classroom Management and Student Agency Shapes Learning Outcomes

Quis Evans
Energy Convertors Online Magazine
2 min readMay 3, 2024

Ireoluwa (Toun) Aladesanmi, EC Oakland Cohort 5 Fellow

Reality of Suspension Rates

I was genuinely surprised when analyzing data, especially when it highlighted the suspension rates in Oakland. Although I was aware that the suspension rate was high, the actual figures were beyond my expectations. More alarming, however, was learning about the disproportionate impact on Black students, with suspension rates at 8.7%, resulting in the highest amount among all ethnicities.

The Importance of Effective Classroom Management

Effective classroom management is crucial for facilitating a conducive learning environment. Conversely, the absence of such management often leads to chaos, disrupting both the educational process and the emotional well-being of students and teachers alike. A lack of rules and boundaries can transform a classroom into a disruptive space, leading to teacher frustration and, in severe cases, resignation.

From personal experience, I witnessed a teacher at my school resign due to overwhelming stress caused by unmanageable student behavior. She had not established clear boundaries and expectations, which allowed the students to behave disruptively, ultimately affecting her mental health and sense of value.

Student Agency in Disruptive Environments

Despite the challenges of a chaotic classroom, students still have the opportunity to exercise agency over their education. Research suggests that students can maintain their academic focus by engaging in independent activities such as studying alone or with friends, seeking assistance from teachers, or collaborating with peers from other classes. This proactive approach is crucial for personal development and academic success.

