Use your voice to speak up

Energy Convertors
Energy Convertors Online Magazine
2 min readMar 26, 2021

By: Ahrion Jones

We sent out a survey to students in Indianapolis and asked them to answer a few questions about the education system to give them a voice.

Mental Health: Out of the 315 students that answered, 46.3% believed their schools handle mental health issues to some degree. Nearly 27% of the students said their schools did not deal with it appropriately.

These numbers are alarming because poor mental health can affect everyday activities negatively. I believe that schools should pay as much attention to a student’s mental stability as much as they do to sports and extracurricular activities. Families and students can start making a change by attending school board meetings and sending emails to superintendents and the central office about this topic. Not only does speaking up help, but also being educated. Learn about what mental health really is, what it affects, and what you can do at home to make things better.

Student Voices: 28.3% of students believe their school district listens to them, leaving about 71% of students feeling as if they are somewhat listened to or not listened to at all.

I was not surprised by these numbers, there are rarely any opportunities for students to voice their concerns or desires. This is a major concern. I believe that students should have a say in what happens in schools. The education system should give students a chance at the beginning of school board meetings to talk about changes they would like to see. Students can help get their voices heard by talking to their guardians about their frustrations or wants, and guardians can help by listening and using their voice to speak up.



Energy Convertors
Energy Convertors Online Magazine

Helping marginalized folx #navigate education. S/O 2 people converting negative energy to positive all over. #BeAnEnergyConvertor #DoWork Founder: @ccoleiii