What should education leaders in Indy do more of or less of?

Energy Convertors
Energy Convertors Online Magazine
3 min readMar 26, 2021

Indy education leaders should be more informative to the public on meetings taking place. They need to do more to publicize when these meetings take place. This keeps a lot of people from getting involved simply because they do not know when these meetings take place. Just letting people know more about the meetings will get a lot more people involved in advocacy. After the meeting is publicized, more should be done to invite students as well. That will bring more students to speak. Leaders also need to interact more with students. Right now, Indy leaders do not really have relationships with students, and not much effort is being put into making themselves known. I was halfway through high school when I found out these were some people who are responsible for my education. It’s granted that many of my peers don’t know anything about their education leaders.

Another thing I would like to see is less disagreement between leaders — less bickering and more of a focus on the real issues. Students need to be the center of that focus. A lot of leaders do not put a cap on what they believe personally and it pours out into their decision-making. They’re not taking a step back to realize the bigger picture, that the people who will be affected the most are students. By acknowledging that, fewer disagreements will happen.

I would like to see less pandering from Indy leaders to the true needs of students. Children come from all walks of life, with different life situations. Students well beings is at a huge stake. This only makes students suffer. Some are already paying the price. It is important to mold youth with great foundations for success. Access to food, clean learning spaces, and transportation, mental health resources, technology, and emotional support should be available to everyone, no matter their circumstance.

Leaders should also be visiting schools more. They need to really see the reality of their decisions. They need to know the actions being made in the classroom and see it first hand. If they really can see what is going on, that will better shape their opinions, confronting their biases which in turn will make for better and more tangible solutions. This will also show the community, parents, and students that the school board is being attentive. That will encourage more people to come forward in support because they know the school board cares and is paying attention.

Now that I am a senior in high school, I can look back at my educational journey so far. I have been in public and private schools. I’m glad my current high school is finally trying to take action in rethinking the way students experience school. They are pioneers in this and I have had so many great experiences here. The school board and education leaders should just look at our school through a new lens: there are so many possibilities and resources, there is true potential for change in students’ lives.



Energy Convertors
Energy Convertors Online Magazine

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