Pisces Solar Eclipse 8° ~ February 26, 2017

Catherine Ezor
Published in
4 min readFeb 27, 2017

6:58am PST / 9:58am EST

“Those who don’t believe in magic will never find it.” — Roald Dahl

The past 6 months have sure been a wild ride.

The theme? Anything is possible.

And that’s what this month is all about. The first eclipse of the new year, it’s also the last in a series of Pisces flavored eclipses that began in March of 2015; making this new moon both a powerful ending & potent beginning.

Take a minute to think back two years — what was happening for you then? How does it relate to your experience of life right now? Are there any patterns, tendencies or blockages you’re still struggling to transcend? Beliefs or stories still hindering your highest expression? Let go, once & for all.

Embrace the next evolution of you.

It’s beautiful, I promise.

If things have been a little tense or chaotic lately, you can begin to breathe again. Dreamy, romantic Pisces, has taken center stage now. As the zodiacs’ artist, Pisces encourages us to explore what’s beneath the surface, surrender to the unknown, and create from a place of personal integrity — with wild abandon. Known as a bridge between the material & physical worlds, Pisces eases the transmutation of raw emotion into art & beautiful self-expression.

Moon and Neptune conjunct urging us even further into the deepest realms of our being. This is not a time for action. Be patient. Practice gratitude & savor in the space between the present and future. Neptune, the planet of spirituality and illusion, will never be this close to a solar eclipse again in this lifetime. Don’t miss this portal to a life beyond your wildest dreams.

Pay attention to what’s being unearthed in regards to your identity, communication style & core wounds; as the Sun, Mercury & Chiron accompany the Moon & Neptune in mystical Pisces. Is there something you’re finally ready to say or do? Someone you’re finally ready to be? Get prepared to step up, love. The universe needs your light more than ever.

Semi-squaring the cluster of planets in Pisces is Venus, Mars, Uranus & Eris in Aries, bringing some fiery energy into the mix. Aries, the zodiacs’ warrior, ignites your fierce, bold & courageous side, making this a great time to refine your vision, redefine your standards & redesign your roadmap. This life is for enjoying. Pay particular attention to your relationships.

Uranus squares Pluto in Capricorn, reinforcing the message — say goodbye to anything that doesn’t nourish your soul. Embrace Piscean fish energy and go with the flow. Make peace with the process.

Not everyone, and thing, is meant to accompany you for the long-haul.

Release to receive.

Not sure where to focus? Examine anything that doesn’t feel amazing — be it possessions, friendships, lovers, work, creative projects, or otherwise. Trust your intuition; your body, guides & spirit when they send you signs. Not everything has to make sense, logically.

Trust yourself & believe.

You were born to create the life of your dreams.

— — —

Monthly Mooncast

(Procured with the Sacred Symbols deck by Marcella Kroll)

*Suggestion: read for both your sun & ascendant sign

Fire Signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)- KIRPAN: It’s time you cut the cords tying you to unhealthy situations, habits, and people. Learn to stand in your truth without cutting anyone else down. Meditate on the symbol of a KIRPAN when you’re looking to embody the fiercely compassionate energy of a spiritual warrior. Mantra: I am powerful beyond measure.

Earth Signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn)- SAFE TRAVEL: This is an opportune time for a trip, change of environment, move, or relocation. What, or shall we say where, have you been dying to see? Now’s the time for wanderlust. Don’t hesitate to book that adventure! Mantra: I am safe in transition.

Water Signs (Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio)- POWER: Examine your current relationships and opportunities; there’s a powerful connection under your nose. Or soon coming into your life. Stay aware. Meditate on the Crown of Isis when you want to call your power back. This is a time of great personal magnetism and magic. Mantra: I am crystal clear & wildly confident.

Air Signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius)- DRYAD: Now’s not the time to rush ahead. Nature beckons. Get away from technology & get into nature. Recharge with the sun & wind on your face. Ground yourself into the earth below, and look up to the sky above. Mantra: I am in sync with source.

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For private readings & mentorship email — thisaquarianlife@gmail.com

