Electricity trading: why choose EPC Token over fiat currency
We have developed and established Energy Premier — an advanced blockchain-based electricity trading platform that allows users to trade electricity in a faster, safer and cheaper way, by utilizing the EPC token smart contract.
EnergyPremier.com is already live and has lead users, which proves that the idea and the model work. Our platform enables direct access to all energy retailers. For example, the suppliers are able to eliminate third parties and take out distance as a limiting factor for trading, which then results in lower prices for the consumers.
Our model and idea work thanks to the EPC token. Our token model is structured for cheaper, safer, and faster electricity trading and it differs a lot from the fiat currency.
Here are some reasons why to choose EPC token over fiat currency for electricity trading:
Trading electricity is cheaper using EPC tokens: Energy Premier’s core business model is based on taking a share of each electricity deal/ transaction made on the platform. When the supplier and customer are trading in EPC tokens — that share is the EPC equivalent of $0.07 per MWH, while if they are trading in fiat currency it is over 40% higher and amounts to the EPC equivalent of $0.1 per MWH. This difference becomes massive when large volumes of electricity are traded and is more than enough to make a clear case for using EPC tokens instead of fiat currency. Furthermore, this is also much lower cost of customer acquisition then what suppliers are experiencing today when managing offers/ sales teams/ etc.
Trading electricity is faster using EPC tokens: transacting energy using EPC tokens is instantaneous. We achieve this utilizing blockchain which not only ensures that tokens that are sent to a recipient are delivered within seconds, but also provides added security due to smart contracts embedded in the process — eliminating potential for fraud. EPC tokens eliminate intermediaries such as banks, governments, payment services which greatly reduces time of transacting
EPC tokens are required in order to participate in bids on the platform: each supplier has to own EPC tokens in order to participate in bidding sessions. The more EPC tokens a bid participant has — the sooner they can participate in the bidding session since volume of EPC tokens determines bidding priority of each participant. As we there are hundreds or thousands of suppliers in each country, this will drive high the EPC token trade and usage
Users can launch their own EPC bids: each user can choose to launch their own real time energy bidding session based on the EPC token platform. This can be done both by consumers where suppliers and distributors would participate in bidding or by distributors — in which case energy producers would participate in the bidding sessions. As bidding with EPC requires having EPC, this feature will strongly drive the EPC token utilization
The EPC token enables high utilization due to:
Smart-contract governs ownership and transfers: Energy Premier utilizes smart contracts in multiple use cases. This includes ownership and transfer of electricity rights and tokens, price submission during a bid, automatization of bidding process and fulfillment of tasks once conditions are met, etc. Furthermore, smart contracts also ensure highest levels of data safety and eliminate potential for fraud and information manipulation
Smart meter integration and day-by-day payment: EPC tokens work perfectly well with smart meters and utilizes smart metering data. This allows:
- Consumers to pay as often as they like — even on a day-by-day basis — which is very valuable to certain types of suppliers and consumers from cash flow management perspective. This is only possible with EPC tokens;
- Brings back the data ownership from major electricity corporations to consumers and smart meter owners;
- Utilization of most accurate electricity data profiles for electricity bids;
- We have already confirmed interest from a major smart-meter supplier/ lessor to use our platform to reach more electricity suppliers and expand the offer.
Grid & capacity-management integration:
- EPC tokens allow easy electricity trade from various grid systems. By integrating with grid systems we will enable a grid electricity producer (e.g. a household with solar) to transfer ownership over their energy production volume (or part of it) to a buyer on the Energy Premier platform utilizing EPC tokens. A grid-electricity-producer needs only to form a bidding session to which buyers would come and bid using EPC tokens.
- Major suppliers have already confirmed that they find Energy Premier very useful for balancing electricity capacity. Generally, suppliers purchase distribution capacity for their predicted energy sales. In case they sell less electricity than the capacity purchased from the distribution network, they need to sell the excess electricity on the open market and forgo high losses.
EPC Token value growth driven by
Volume of trading of EPC tokens: due to cheaper, faster trade through EPC; EPC is also a requirement to be able to trade on the platform.
Utilization of the token: besides trading, it includes smart contracts process and trade handling, smart-meter integration and payment, smart grid electricity trading and capacity management.
$ Trillion size of the total available market: EPC has the ability to become the token with which electricity trade is performed in the world — which is an immense market size and application. That is why we are emitting 200bn tokens — equal to the amount of MWH consumed each year in the next five years.
Energy Premier offers you the next generation of token economy, the EPC token. We are introducing this token model to revolutionize the current trading environment.
Our presale has already started and you can easily participate at https://tokensale.energypremier.com/.
Moreover, we are introducing a Bounty Program to reward our participants — read about the rules and rewards here.
Join us and become a part of the global energy environment!