How Energy Premier’s blockchain-based electricity trading will change the traditional trading

Energy Premier
Energy Premier Blog
3 min readJul 3, 2018

Revolutionizing the current energy trading environment by utilizing blockchain is our main goal in this journey.

Currently, the process of energy trading is going traditional without any innovations or changes. The current electricity market is full of suppliers that cannot reach to all consumers, nor the consumers can get bids from all suppliers.

The idea of Energy Premier came out as a result of the real situation in this market. We wanted to make a specialized energy platform that will sell only energy and will guarantee that the suppliers will see all of the consumers in one place, and the consumers will get the best possible price at the moment of purchasing electricity. In the whole concept, the blockchain technology provides us with better control, higher speed, security, lower costs, and fast payments.

Moreover, the companies and individuals are spending a lot of time working on electricity today. On average, each employee has to work on electricity for a few hours every day.

We cut that time to only 30 minutes due to the blockchain technology and smart contracts.

All process of purchasing electricity is connected with high risk of corruption. We have transparent process without opportunity for corruption, utilizing smart contracts and blockchain that do not allow fraud or double-versioned of information.

The blockchain technology helps us to give the power over energy back to the people.

The platform enables direct access to the retail energy market to suppliers by eliminating multiple intermediaries and taking out distance as a limiting factor to trade, which then results in lower prices for the consumers.

Most electricity traders have registered companies in other countries only to do several trades per year and do not participate in the retail market. We offer electricity suppliers without own employees to participate on retail market through Energy, cutting out middle-men utilizing blockchain and tokens.

Energy Premier enables the consumers to group-up and create group requests, in order to get better offers for electricity. The suppliers can equally and transparently participate in the bidding sessions, with a real-time pricing update.

Our platform is trustworthy and safe, without place for corruption and fraud, because of the blockchain technology and decentralization. Blockchain enables direct access to the energy market and eliminating all intermediaries and third parties.

The EPC token is a requirement for trading on the Energy Premier platform. The trading with EPC tokens is faster, cheaper, and safer, and it differs a lot from the fiat currency.

We are currently launching a pre-sale, and the ICO starts at September 21st. If you participate now, you’ll get 30% bonus in EPC tokens. Check out our website and tell us what you think about Energy Premier:

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