Energy Web and the Evolving European Electricity Market

Energy Web is accelerating the European electricity market to enhance grid transparency and interoperability of clean energy

Energy Web
Energy Web
2 min readFeb 27, 2023


Energy Web recently participated in the European Commission’s consultation on Electricity Market Design. Some of Energy Web’s key messages in this consultation focused on what we do best:

  • To enhance grid transparency and interoperability of clean energy assets, data and workflows should be harmonized across the transmission and distribution interface
  • End users should have the ability to independently verify where their energy comes from at a granular levels

Our comments included the following:

Increased granularity for EU’s guarantee of origin system: Granular Guarantees of Origin (GO) could increase legal certainty for investors and reduce greenwashing. Increased granularity can improve Europe’sGO System as there is often no temporal and geographical correlation between generation and consumption events. It can also support an extended range of power purchase agreement offerings that could lead to further renewable expansion.

Flexibility Resource Registry: This concept is emerging as a critical infrastructure requirement for network operators to manage distributed energy resources (DERs) and unlock demand flexibility. Flexibility Resource Registries, developed either at the European level or national level, based on a set of harmonized rules and decentralized, interoperable open-source architecture, can provide transmission system operators and distribution system operators with access to a shared registry,enabling them to have greater visibility and access to services from customer-owned resources connected with their networks.

Distributed Energy Resources and Energy Communities: Harnessing demand-side flexibility from DERs and energy communities give grid operators new tools to balance an increasingly decarbonized grid.. Energy communities should not be limited solely to community trading, nor should DERs be limited to self-consumption; they should be allowed to actively participate in flexibility markets and engage in trading within and across energy communities.

About Energy Web
Energy Web is a global non-profit accelerating the clean energy transition by developing open-source technology solutions for energy systems. Our enterprise-grade solutions improve coordination across complex energy markets, unlocking the full potential of clean, distributed energy resources for businesses, grid operators, and customers. Our solutions for enterprise asset management, data exchange, and Green Proofs, our tool for registering and tracking low-carbon products, are underpinned by the Energy Web Chain, the world’s first public blockchain tailored to the energy sector. The Energy Web ecosystem comprises leading utilities, renewable energy developers, grid operators, corporate energy buyers, automotive, IoT, telecommunications leaders, and more. More information on Energy Web can be found at or follow us on Twitter @EnergyWebX



Energy Web
Energy Web

EW is a global, member-driven nonprofit accelerating a low-carbon electricity system through open-source, decentralized, digital technologies.