Web 3 as-a-service solution for enterprise now live on Energy Web X and Polkadot

Global energy majors at the forefront of Web 3 enterprise adoption on Energy Web X and Polkadot

Energy Web
Energy Web
3 min readMar 26, 2024


Energy Web, a global ecosystem of energy companies focused on developing and deploying Web 3 technologies to accelerate decarbonization of the global energy system, recently released Smartflow, a new as-a-service product that makes it simple and easy for enterprise customers to launch web 3 solutions built on Energy Web X, a parachain powered by the Polkadot blockchain and substrate technology.

Smartflow enables enterprise customers to configure and deploy custom business logic using decentralized networks of “worker nodes”. Worker nodes ingest data from individual enterprises or consortia of corporate customers, perform application-specific computational work on the data, and publish the results for enterprises and the public to verify. Worker nodes create business value because of the zero trust relationships they unlock: with worker nodes, no central entity has access to underlying data and, more importantly, work conducted by the nodes can be independently verified without needing to trust a single centralized entity or server. Worker nodes are connected to and secured by the Energy Web X parachain, a new blockchain on the Polkadot network.

Given the regulated nature of the energy industry and growing calls for more transparency on sustainability data, worker nodes are uniquely positioned to create value for energy companies. Over the past 7 years, corporates in the Energy Web ecosystem have uncovered a number use cases for Smartflow and worker nodes, including:

“As long-time Energy Web supporters, we are excited by the decentralized approach to multi-party computation provided by SmartFlow. It is a digital tool that provides a new kind of trust layer in business relations based on shared information. We are eager to discover how it can be integrated into our processes, and what kind of value it can create,” said Etienne Gehain, New Digital Solutions Director at Engie.

Engie joins a large ecosystem of Energy Web member companies using Smartflow such as EDF, T-Systems, Vodafone, Deloitte, Elia Group, and more. The product enables enterprises to build custom worker node workflows and integrate them with existing data sources and APIs in minutes using a no-code infrastructure. Though currently configured to support Energy Web’s ecosystem of member energy companies, the technology can create value for enterprises in any industry where exchange and processing of sensitive data between companies is required to create business value.

Please visit the smartflow website to create your account and begin building today.

About Energy Web Foundation:Energy Web is a global non-profit accelerating the clean energy transition by developing open-source technology solutions for energy systems. Our enterprise-grade solutions improve coordination across complex energy markets, unlocking the full potential of clean, distributed energy resources for businesses, grid operators, and customers. Our solutions for enterprise asset management, Digital Spine, and Green Proofs, our tool for registering and tracking low-carbon products, are underpinned by the Energy Web Chain, the world’s first public blockchain tailored to the energy sector. The Energy Web ecosystem comprises leading utilities, renewable energy developers, grid operators, corporate energy buyers, automotive, IoT, telecommunications leaders, and more. More information on Energy Web can be found at www.energyweb.org or follow us on Twitter @EnergyWebX



Energy Web
Energy Web

EW is a global, member-driven nonprofit accelerating a low-carbon electricity system through open-source, decentralized, digital technologies.