In with the new battery, out with the old battery

Lithium-ion vs. Lead Acid Batteries

C. L. Beard
Energy Wrinkles
5 min readJan 6, 2024


lithium-ion batteries have emerged as the clear winner in recent years owing to their numerous advantages over other types of batteries. In this blog post, we will discuss why lithium-ion batteries are the best option for your devices.

In today’s world, we rely heavily on electronic devices, and one of the most important components of these devices is the battery. With so many options available in the market, it can be challenging to choose the right battery for your device. However, lithium-ion batteries have emerged as the clear winner in recent years owing to their numerous advantages over other types of batteries. I will compare lithium-ion with lead-acid batteries, and examine lithium polymer battery advantages and restrictions on shipping them. Finally, we will offer tips on discharging and charging lithium-ion batteries, along with discussing their lifespan and safety concerns that should be kept in mind while using them.

Why Use Lithium-ion Batteries

When it comes to rechargeable batteries, lithium-ion batteries rank high due to their high energy density and longevity. These batteries offer a lightweight and compact solution perfect for laptops, electric cars, power tools, and electronic devices. One advantage of this type of battery is that it does not contain harmful chemicals like lead or cadmium found in other battery types. Moreover, lithium-ion batteries have a low self-discharge rate and can hold their charge for an extended period. With all these benefits, it’s no wonder people choose lithium-ion batteries over lead-acid ones.

The lithium-ion battery design

Lithium-ion batteries stand out among various battery technologies for their high energy density and longevity. Their design includes a positive electrode, a negative electrode, and an electrolyte that facilitates efficient power delivery. These rechargeable batteries are extensively integrated into portable devices like laptops and smartphones as they have a low self-discharge rate and can hold their charge for longer periods. Additionally, these batteries feature lightweight construction that makes them perfect for electronic devices on the go.

With high energy density levels, these battery technologies can store more energy in smaller packages. Moreover, these rechargeable batteries offer a longer lifespan compared to other battery types with low self-discharge rates and fast charging capabilities that allow for quick recharging times. Additionally, lithium-ion batteries are considered environmentally friendly as they don’t contain harmful chemicals like lead or cadmium found in lead-acid batteries.

Lightweight and fast charging

Rechargeable battery technologies have evolved significantly over time. Amongst the various options available in the market today, Lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries have emerged as one of the most sought-after alternatives because of their unmatched advantages over other types of batteries. Li-ion batteries come with a high energy density that allows them to pack more power in smaller packages like laptops or smartphones while being environmentally friendly. Their low self-discharge rate ensures that they can retain their charge for longer durations compared to other battery types without charging frequently. Moreover, these rechargeable batteries come with lightweight designs that make them ideal for portable devices like electric cars or power tools.

Lithium-ion vs. lead-acid batteries

  • Higher energy density — Li-ion batteries are much lighter weight for the same capacity. This makes them useful for portable electronics and electric vehicles.
  • No memory effect — Li-ion batteries don’t have the “memory effect” that can plague lead acid. This means Li-ion doesn’t need periodic full discharges to keep performing well.
  • Low self-discharge — Li-ion has a low self-discharge rate of approximately 5% per month compared to lead acid which can be 20–30% per month. Li-ion batteries maintain charge well when not in use.
  • Faster recharging — An advantage of lithium-ion is the ability to fast recharge. Many Li-ion batteries can recharge to 80% capacity in under an hour. Lead acid usually takes several hours.
  • High cycle life — Li-ion batteries generally last through hundreds to thousands of charge/discharge cycles. Lead acid batteries typically last around 200–300 cycles before significant degradation.
  • Low maintenance — Li-ion batteries require no scheduled cycling to prolong life and have no watering requirements like lead acid. Overall they have much lower maintenance needs.

Limitations of lithium-ion batteries

One drawback of lithium-ion is cost . Lithium-ion batteries are still several times more expensive per kilowatt-hour than lead acid. This makes li-ion prohibitive for some large-scale energy storage applications where lead acid dominates on upfront price. Safety issues are also a concern with lithium-ion, as overcharging or physical damage can lead to thermal runaway and fires.

Proper battery management systems are required to maintain safe operation. In contrast, lead acid technology is intrinsically safer and more tolerant of abuse. Lead acid also operates better than lithium-ion at temperature extremes, making it preferable for extremely cold or hot environments. And while lithium-ion lifespans are improving, lead acid still holds an advantage in very long-duration cycling applications of 10+ years. So in certain cost-sensitive or demanding uses, the maturity and intrinsic safety of lead acid still makes it the better choice over lithium-ion today.

Discharging and charging lithium-ion batteries

Extending the lifespan of lithium-ion batteries is critical for their proper usage. Following proper discharging and charging techniques can help achieve this goal. Overcharging must be avoided as it could lead to reduced performance and safety issues. Lithium-ion batteries are among the top rechargeable battery technologies due to their high energy density, low self-discharge rate, and long lifespan. Nevertheless, shipping restrictions exist due to potential safety hazards related to their flammability and thermal runaway at high temperatures. Proper battery management systems offer a solution here.

Lithium-ion batteries are a preferred choice for electronic devices as they have a longer lifespan than other rechargeable battery technologies. The lifespan can be affected by charging habits, usage patterns, and temperature. To prolong the battery life, proper storage and maintenance are crucial. Additionally, these batteries offer high energy density and efficient performance.

Safety concerns with lithium-ion batteries

Electronic devices have become synonymous with lithium-ion batteries owing to their high energy density and efficient performance. While these rechargeable batteries are a revolution in battery technologies, there are certain safety concerns associated with them. The electrolytes present in lithium-ion batteries are flammable, making it crucial for manufacturers to comply with safety regulations while packaging and labeling them. It’s essential for consumers to follow precautions while handling devices powered by lithium-ion batteries to avoid the risk of fire or explosion.

They have a lot of advantages over traditional batteries, including fast charging and lightweight design. Lithium-ion batteries are also more environmentally friendly than lead-acid batteries. However, there are some limitations to lithium-ion batteries that you should know about. It’s important to understand the discharging and charging process, lifespan, and safety concerns associated with these batteries before using them. To learn more about how to use lithium-ion batteries safely and effectively, read our comprehensive guide on power up: why lithium-ion batteries reign supreme.

This piece first appeared on the Energy Wrinkles website.



C. L. Beard
Energy Wrinkles

I am a writer living on the Salish Sea. I also publish my own AI newsletter, come check it out.