Energy Blockchain Cases January 2019

Global cases of application of blockchain/DLT technology in the energy sector

Yasuhiko Ogushi 大串 康彦
Energy Business 2030
5 min readJan 12, 2019


How I listed those companies…

Application of blockchain technology in the energy sector is expanding. I will categorize them in seven and list them below.

  • “Blockchain” is used to mean distributed ledger technology (DLT) for convenience in this article.
  • The names of leading organization(s) are listed. Wherever appropriate, project names are listed (e.g. Share&Charge). Partner organizations of those leading organizations are not listed unless they have unique and significant activities. (e.g. “Greenwood Solutions” as partner of Power Ledger is not listed)
  • For consortia, the names of leading company(s) or the name of consortium is listed. Consortium members are not listed. (e.g. Not all EWF member companies are not listed)
  • Every project under an organization is not listed. (e.g. 10+ projects of Power Ledger)
  • Organizations or organized projects are listed even if no product or project is confirmed. However, if it is only announcement and there is no evidence of work confirmed on the official website, it may not be listed. (e.g. Qiwi Blockchain Technologies for energy project)
  • Organizations with discontinued energy blockchain projects or discontinued projects are now listed in (9)
  • A short description is added to items in (7) “Others”
  • “(NEW)” denotes newly added items. This does not mean new item, but ones that had not been listed before
  • No particular order in a category

(1) Energy trading platform

This category is the most popular and has the largest number of cases. Most of those cases are designed to enable energy trading among prosumers (owners of DER, particularly solar PV) and consumers, namely peer-to-peer, or P2P trading.

  1. LO3 Energy (USA)
  2. Conjoure (Germany)
  3. Power Ledger (Australia)
  4. Prosume (Switzerland)
  5. Sun Contract (Slovenia)
  6. Solar Bankers (Singapore)
  7. (Singapore)
  8. Torus Project (Singapore)
  9. Greeneum (Israel)
  10. Enerchain (Germany)
  11. Restart Energy (Romania)
  12. Pylon (Spain)
  13. Energo Labs (China)
  14. NAD Grid (USA)
  15. Omega Grid (USA)
  16. Blockcypher (USA)
  17. Blockchain of Value Labs (USA)
  18. Power2Peer (USA)
  19. TOBLOCKCHAIN (The Netherland)
  20. Energy 21 (The Netherland)
  21. Spectral (The Netherland)
  22. Sunchain (France)
  23. Dajie (UK)
  24. Verv (UK)
  25. Elblox (Switzerland)
  26. Minden (Japan)
  27. Digital Grid (Japan)
  28. NEMoGrid (Germany and others)
  29. Enledger (USA)
  30. Green Power Exchange (Barbados)
  31. ZF Car eWallet (Germany)
  32. Volt Market (USA)
  33. Daisee (France)
  34. Lition (Germany)
  35. Rakuten (Japan)
  36. Bittwatt (Singapore)
  37. Leap (USA)
  38. (New) Energy Bazaar (The Netherland)
  39. (New) Oursolargrid (Germany)
  40. (New) Divvi (Austria)
  41. (New) (Belgium)
  42. (New) BCPG (Thailand)
  43. (New) AGL Energy (Australia)
  44. (New) Power-Blox (Switzerland)
  45. (New) CoSol “Internet of Renewable Energy” (Brasil)
  46. (New) Sigora (USA)
  47. (New) KEPCO (Korea)
  48. (New) Hive Power (Switzerland)
  49. (New) The 9 Singapore (Singapore)
  50. (New) Enerport (Ireland)
  51. (New) Catalan Institute of Energy (Spain)
  52. (New) Walmart (patent application) (USA)
  53. (New) Natural Solar (Australia)
  54. (New) Nydro (Argentina)
  55. (New) KT (Korea)
  56. (New) Simba Chain (USA)
  57. (New) ElonCity (USA)

(2) Crowdfunding platform for renewable energy generation plants

Those are crowdfunding-like platforms designed to raise funds renewable energy generation plants with some variations.

  1. The Sun Exchange (South Africa)
  2. WePower (Estonia) *also targets energy trading platform
  3. Impact PPA (USA)
  4. Solar DAO (Russia)
  5. ASTRN Energy (Australia)
  6. Xiwatt (USA)
  7. Kiwi New Energy (USA)
  8. (New) Hyperion Fund (Russia)
  9. (New) Global Grid (Mexico)
  10. (New) GreenX (Singapore)
  11. (New) Datawatt Energy (USA)

(3) Renewable cryptocurrency or renewable certificate and supporting business of those

The idea is to tokenize generated renewable energy so it is tradable and works to reward clean generation, thereby incentivize toward installing more renewable energy generation facilities when government subsidies like feed-in tariff is diminished or discontinued.

  1. SolarCoin (USA)
  2. KWHCoin (USA)
  3. Swytch (USA)
  4. NRGCoin (Belgium)
  5. Veridium (Hong Kong)
  6. Solar Change (South Africa)
  7. Solcrypto (Hong Kong)
  8. Solareum (USA)
  9. Ministry of the Environment (Japan)
  10. (New) Kontrol Energy (Canada)
  11. (New) FlexiDAO (Spain)
  12. (New) SP Group (Singapore)
  13. (New) EcoCoin (The Netherland)
  14. (New) EnergyCoin (The Netherland)
  15. (New) EverGreenCoin (USA)
  16. (New) The Sun Protocol (Germany)
  17. (New) Gear (USA)
  18. (New) DAO IPCI (Russia)
  19. (New) Poseidon (Switzerland)
  20. (New) CarbonX (Canada)
  21. (New) ReWatt Power (Canada)
  22. (New) WPO (France)

(4) Tamper-proof data recording and its application.

One of the basic function of blockchain technology is recording data and making them immutable. This function is used for recording EV charging, demand response, tracking renewable generation and others.

  1. Share&Charge (Germany)
  2. engie (France)
  3. Eneres (Japan)
  4. Kaula (Japan)
  5. Jigowatts (Japan)
  6. Chubu Electric, Nayuta, Infoteria (Japan)
  7. DELIA (Japan)
  8. (NEW) Everty (Australia)

(5) Market brokerage, settlement, and billing

Blockchain is used in the process of market brokerage, settlement, and billing.

  1. Grid+ (USA)
  2. Drift (USA)
  3. Irene (France)

(6) Payment of utility bills by Bitcoin

  1. Coincheck Denki (Japan)
  2. Remix Point (Japan)
  3. 5 LPG companies-bitFlyer(Japan)
  4. Nicigas (Japan)
  5. Enercity (Germany)
  6. Elegant - BitPay (Belgium)

(7) Others

Those cases do not fall on the above categories.

  1. Electron (UK) Flexibility trading platform, meter registration platform
  2. Envion (Switzerland) Crypto mining using renewable energy
  3. Venus Energy (Russia) Crypto mining using renewable energy
  4. Sonnen (Germany) Curtailment mitigation of renewable energy output using energy storage systems
  5. Tennet (Germany) Curtailment mitigation of renewable energy output using energy storage systems
  6. Energy Web Foundation (Switzerland)/Grid Singularity (Austria) Platform technology
  7. Guardtime (USA) Security
  8. NewEra Energy (Singapore)
  9. energimine (UK) Behavioural change for energy saving
  10. BTL (Canada/UK) Gas trading system
  11. Stromdao (Germany)
  12. Energy Blockchain Labs (China)
  13. ElectriCChain (Andorra)
  14. Robotina (Slovenia)
  15. Xage Security (USA)
  16. Gunvor, BP, Shell, Statoil etc. (UK/global) Post trading process of commodity trading
  17. Wien Energy (Austria) Applications in urban development such as supply of green energy, EV charging
  18. (New) innogy/Cryptowerk (Germany/USA) Billing and settlement
  19. (New) CyberGrid “FutureFlow” (Austria) Flexibility management
  20. (New) Grid7 (USA) ”E-Blockchain” distributed grid that meets cyber security requirements
  21. (New) HydroMiner (Austria) Mining
  22. (New) Petrobloq (Canada) Supply chain of oil and gas
  23. (New) Onder (Russia) Platform technology for distributed energy
  24. (New) OLI Systems (Germany) Base applications
  25. (New) Settlemint “EnergyMint” Base applications
  26. (New) Enosi (Australia) Base technology
  27. (New) Energy Blockchain Network (USA) Base technology
  28. (New) Freeelio (Germany)
  29. (New) M-Payg (Denmark)
  30. (New) Clearwatts (The Netherland) PPA process efficiency
  31. (New) 4NEW (UK) Cryptomining that uses waste power generation
  32. (New) Green Energy Wallet (Germany) utilization of energy storage
  33. (New) Energy Eco Chain (Singapore)
  34. (New) S&P Global Platts (USA) Crude oil data management
  35. (New) Causam eXchange (USA) Equity
  36. (New) National Energy Commission of Chile (Chile) Energy data management
  37. (New) Trueken (Germany)
  38. (New) Riddle & Code (Austria) Meter interface
  39. (New) Bitlumens (Switzerland) Offgrid solar PV
  40. (New) Drone Energy (USA)
  41. (New) Phinet (Chile) Information platform

(8) Organizations that discontinued work on energy blockchain and past projects

  1. OneUp (The Netherland)
  2. Ferranti (Belgium)
  3. BCDC (UK)
  4. Garuda Energy (Indonesia)
  5. Fortum (Sweden)
  6. Bankymoon (South Africa)
  7. Enbloc (USA)
  8. Bitproperty (now DexisChain)(Switzerland)

(9) Organizations that provide the same services as peer-to-peer etc. without using blockchain technology

  1. PowerPeers (The Netherland)
  2. Local-E (USA)
  3. GreenSync (Australia)

Thank you for reading and your feedback is welcome. In particular, if I miss anything in this list, please let me know at or via LinkedIn.

