12 things to do this Earth Day while we are all at home

Kyle S.


April 22nd is the 50th anniversary of Earth Day — and while we may be staying home right now there are still plenty of ways we can do our part for the planet!

  1. If you are in a situation where you can actually walk, get out and appreciate what we all have.
  2. Switching all of your bills to e-bills and online invoices can save millions of trees every single year.
  3. Spread the word. Write down activities that you are pledging to take on to help the planet and share it on social media, encouraging others to share their own pledge.
  4. Do you recycle? If you already do, start looking into what you can do to expand what you’re recycling.
  5. Do your faucets leak? If so, did you know that this wastes a lot of water on a yearly basis? If you haven’t done so yet, then you may want to look into how you can go ahead and get started with it during the next year.
  6. Stop drinking bottled water! There are plenty of alternatives out there and, if you stop drinking bottled water, you can save a lot of plastic.
  7. Help kids learn about the environment and how to protect it. Make a game out of it. Shutting off lights, finding ways to save energy around the house and recycling. Start them off right!
  8. Have you switched to a smart thermostat yet? They can have a huge impact on your heating and cooling bill and many utilities offer amazing rebates to make this a no brainer.
  9. Are you concerned about legislation at the state or national level when it comes to the environment? Why not take some time while you are home to write an email or letter to your representative, senator, or whatever official that you may be looking to talk to about the environment.
  10. Have you updated your light bulbs yet? There are a lot of different options out there that you can choose from, and most of them are much more environmentally friendly. Changing them can save you a lot of time, money, and energy. Check with your local utility as many offer rebates making this smart money-saving choice.
  11. Consider finding a way to help an environmental organization financially. If you have the available finances right now. Maybe there is a nonprofit organization that works on issues you care most concerned about or most interested in and consider donating to them.
  12. “Adopt” a creature at a wildlife preserve. There are a lot of them out there that need sponsoring, so consider finding a rescue that takes care of your favorite animals, then see how you can adopt and help pay for the care.

Don’t just leave it to Earth day! Why not look into what can be done every day and make taking care of the environment a regular part of how you live.

