First Job…

Naveen Wijesoma
Published in
3 min readFeb 8, 2017

Allow me to start off by introducing myself, My name is Naveen, A 19 year old boy who has taken a gap year off from his 4 year degree. I just finished my 2nd year and wanted to get some work experience before I finish my degree.

So I got accepted at a new start up agency which does Digital Marketing, On the first day of the job I was given a crash course on Digital Marketing, it occurred to me that there was much more going on in social media than I had previously thought.

Things i picked up about social media

Basically everything you do online be it liking a post or searching for something on Google, it all gets tracked.This piece of information we all know, But later on I understood why it happened.

First 2 things I learnt was about Facebook ads manager and Google ad words. These applications are the tools mainly used to market the online audience. Using these tools you can place ads on Facebook,Google,Instagram and YouTube.

It was really interesting why when you join Facebook it ask all sorts of questions about yourself, your interest, your social status, your academic qualifications,even the pages you’ve liked.

Using all the information you yourself have provided,Facebook can specifically market to you. Let me give an example, Let’s say you liked the Facebook page of Hyundai. Now let’s say Toyota Is releasing a new car, They can use Facebook to advertise specifically to you since you have liked a page similar to Toyota.

(An advertisement like that could pop up in your news feed)

After you created an Ad you can see how many people have seen it, have viewed a photo, see how long a video was played for and so forth,I could go on about the technicalities of social media marketing but i would like to talk about these in another post .

Other things i picked up….

At first the workload was manageable. But i made careless mistakes, overlooking of data.Repeatedly! So I started to adopt the habit of re-checking everything I do.

As time past on my work load increased, I started to forget my task. I couldn’t keep it all in my head. My boss suggested to me to be more organised and neat. Noting down everything i do, Noting down everything I had to.

From a person who is from the Science and IT background I didn’t have that much knowledge about the finances of a business, I learned about it in a practical way. For example Ilearned how to create an invoice.

My thoughts on this

Working is good. The people are outgoing and friendly people, there is never a boring day in office. With the people i get to meet, the clients I meet, I believe this sort of exposure will do me good in the long run.

