My Transition to Digital Design

Shavin Whehella
3 min readFeb 6, 2017


So I just moved from traditional graphic designing to digital designing. I know most of you might be wondering “isn’t graphic design and digital design the same thing?” well… yes but no but yes, let me explain.

graphic design


the art or skill of combining text and pictures in advertisements, magazines, or books etc

digital design


the art or skill of combining text and pictures for online advertisements, online magazines, or online books etc

Get it? Digital designs have the same concept as traditional designs but it’s online based.

When I moved to Digital design I thought it would be the same but no it’s not and actually you learn so much because it’s not just creating a design there is way more to it.

Let me explain;

Facebook Designs

And here I thought you can upload any artwork to facebook and call it an ad. Nope there is a specific ad guideline. Your ad size needs to 1200x628 pixels and you need to have very little text overlaid on your ad.

All this will increase your ads reach.

Google Display Ads

Now this is actually very new to me. There are two networks on google which is search network and display network. Now as a creative designer we don’t really need to worry much about the search network ads but here’s a small explanation that I got from google.

Here are few display ads you might have seen.

Have you seen them? Of course you have

Did you know that Image ads have a higher click through rate than normal text ads? These Ads need to be simple, visual, and easy to read also you don’t really need to be a Photoshop genius to design these ads it’s very simple actually.

As you can see it’s not just designing.

Now what did I learn from this?

Well I learnt to…


Always remember people won’t spend a lot of time looking at an ad. It needs to get a message across very quickly.


You want ads to stick in people’s minds. When you create something that people don’t see every day, you’ll pique their interest in what’s behind the ad.


This is very important, people shouldn’t need to guess at what you want them to do. It’s important to create ads that give viewers a clear idea of actions that should take.


You should always ensure that the pictures, colors and other features of your ads should align with your vision and brand.


And finally when it comes to the internet, things don’t stay the same for long. It’s crucial to keep up with design and technological trends. For example, if your ad doesn’t look good on a mobile device, you can kiss most of its effectiveness goodbye.

Now here’s the big question

Which is better Traditional or Digital?

Honestly I’ll stick to digital it’s very simple and the audience reach is high so it feels good to know that a lot of people will see my designs.



Shavin Whehella

21 year old creative designer, photographer and film maker.