It’s a Bird. It’s a Plane. No, it’s a Flying Supercomputer. A What?

What brings the drone photography community together?

The drone community is growing rapidly and is an increasing addiction for new pilots. Imagine these drone pilots taking pictures of what they see up there. The r/drone_photography subreddit is a great way for people to share their aerial photographs. After observing this online drone community, there are two topics that people engage in: one is where people ask questions about the drone (brand, performance, camera, etc.) and the other is where people praise the photographs. So, what does the virtual meeting place for drone photography enthusiasts look like?

The Curious Kind

People join these online communities because they want to learn more about drones. Besides people generally commenting on drone photographs, there are many people asking about the brand of the drones. Numerous people ask questions about the drone, the drone camera, or the technique used to click these photographs.

A problem with flying drones is that there are some restricted zones that affect the drone pilot and sometimes may not be clearly stated on the drone map. Drone regulations are relatively new and the government keeps updating these restricted zones. There have even been rumors of drones patrolling other drones. Certainly, the future is now. I find concerned pilots questioning whether flying over an area was permitted or not. For example, CloverRedditMoniker asks, “Is it kosher to fly in places like this? I’m always nervous.” Usually, on the subreddit, you get to communicate with people all over the world and learn the ins and outs of drone photography and everything drone related.

In the above screenshot, you can see that u/aiden-1235 requested r/drone photography members for drone advice, “What drones should I be looking into purchasing?” As you can see, drones have not only become an interesting hobby but also a new way to promote businesses, like aiden-1235’s farm. Questions, similar to the aforementioned, are constantly being asked by curious users who want to learn more about drones.

If you take a look at the screenshot from the discussion, MLPhoto25 goes deeper into conversation about the shutter of the DJI drone. Another user started a conversation about shutter speeds and how fast the drone can fly (+30 mph). People go into the nitty gritty details of how to operate the camera and it creates productive conversations. Professional drone photographers are also active on the subreddit. A reddit user that I found particularly interesting takes professional drone photos of cars. Drone photography is an art and there are countless tips on the subreddit to obtain the best photos.

I can’t wait to be able to take a picture of my car with this technique. Thanks to user MLPhoto25, I have instructions for this blurred technique.

The Excited Kind

The majority of people are acknowledging what amazing photographs have been captured through their drones. I feel like the excited group is purely inspired by the photographs and specifications of the drone camera. The user Monterrey_Manatee exclaimed, “So beautiful, makes me miss Rome even more!” Numerous other users complement, “Nice shots!” The comments show how excited people get about the drone photography.

Gabriele2020 connects with Moonagi by ecstatically explaining the compact size of the same drone they have. I believe drone photography gets people excited because this is the future; everyone believes this technology is in a class all by itself, and people recognize that.

Drone photography has become a popular interest in the past few years. There are interesting ways to incorporate drone photography into daily life, such as social media. Now that everything is transitioning online and on social media, photos are a great way to share experiences, ask questions, and learn more about interests. This subreddit does not leave any question unanswered. Everyone is interested in sharing their experience about the best way to click a drone photo or teaching someone a new method to this art form. This online community truly helps people find their perfect drone for the best quality photographs and is a place to explore the world in a virtual setting.

The Curious Kind

People join these online communities because they want to learn more about drones. Besides people generally commenting on drone photographs, there are many people asking about the brand of the drones. Numerous people ask questions about the drone, the drone camera, or the technique used to click these photographs.

A problem with flying drones is that there are some restricted zones that affect the drone pilot and sometimes may not be clearly stated on the drone map. Drone regulations are relatively new and the government keeps updating these restricted zones. There have even been rumors of drones patrolling other drones. Certainly, the future is now. I find concerned pilots questioning whether flying over an area was permitted or not. For example, CloverRedditMoniker asks, “Is it kosher to fly in places like this? I’m always nervous.” Usually on the subreddit you get to communicate with people all over the world and learn the ins and outs of drone photography and everything drone related.

