Typical Flat Earth Discussions

The Flat Earth Society

The flat earth community, with the obvious shared belief that the Earth is flat, can be found online, most commonly in Facebook groups and discussion. But what do these people constantly talk about and post about if they already have one similar belief?

Everyday Discussions

Nearly any topic can be looked up for a discussion group on Facebook. The “Flat Earth Society” is a public Facebook group that welcomes people who are curious or questioning the shape of Earth, while also debating with one another. A main argument that is brought up within this Facebook group is the position of the sun and the moon when referring to the flat earth. Some people say that the sun and moon are above the flat surface that is earth and revolves in a circle, while others insist that this theory does not make sense and say the sun and moon rests somewhere else in space. For further explanation, see the clip that was provided in this group just yesterday morning that is a model of the flat earth, the sun, and the moon1.

Generally, people who are following the Facebook Flat Earth Society group demonstrate their ‘reasonable explanations’ and theories in threads and discussion posts for everyone to see and comment on. An example of this can be seen in a file shared by one of the admin members titled, “Acceptable Evidence of Flat Earth”2. This page shared within the group gives 19 ‘pieces of evidence’ that support the flat earth theory.


2 https://www.facebook.com/notes/flat-earth-society/acceptable-evidence-of-flat-earth/10154227821446795/

All in Agreement?

Needless to say, there are definitely divisions between this Facebook community. After looking through these discussions and files for less than ten minutes, one can pick up on sub-groups, or different groups of people within this community who believe in different theories relating to the Earth’s position in space, the position of the sun and moon, or the rotation of other planets. However, members of this group do have two things in common: they believe the Earth is flat and they enjoy posting about how people who believe the Earth is round, (or as they call them, ‘globers’) are wrong and delusional. It seems as if the Facebook Flat Earth Society will never stop debating, sharing their new explanations, and voicing their opinions on debunking the shape of the Earth.

