Why is R/Pewdiepiesubmissions so popular?

On the Internet, many things get popular almost as fast as it becomes irrelevant or old news. People always search for the next trendiest comment, video, post, etc. Why in the world has Pewdiepies subreddit manage to stay so relevant in consideration to how things go on the World Wide Web?

Relevant & Thriving; The reality of this Reddit community.

Reddit has been a popular forum for a few years now, just like Youtube. These are two very admired internet places where people can come together and “escape” the reality of the world. Pewdiepie has integrated both sites into his fanbase, making him more popular than ever. This helps him stay relevant on these common yet extremely favored platforms. What else Felix does that helps keep the community alive is very clever. Three Words… Fan-Made Content. This keeps the material fresh and everchanging, which draws people in. When a famous personality acknowledges his audience in this way, it helps keep everyone locked into their entertainment and communities.

Another thing which I could argue is the BIGGEST piece that keeps this Reddit community alive is MEMES. Pewdiepie makes videos on his channel reviewing popular memes, AKA meme Review. {Insert Claps from the Intro, only the fans will know} He also makes videos from the memes on his Reddit. The fan art is nice, but I can confidently say that Pewdiepie fans, especially the ones on Reddit, are a part of the Meme community. They will show popular, outdated, or pewdiepie specific memes. The meme economy on Reddit brings every community member together. “Memes are like water, and the members are the soil. Put them together, and you get a thriving plant, or in this analogy, a thriving subreddit.” (Aja Wilson 2021)

An example of the banter of memes is currently fans have brought back the Rick Roll. This is something you can see in recent videos and only started to resurface because Pewdiepie HATES it. His Newest video was even titled “I get Rickrolled = the video ends”. (If you don’t know what that is just google it.) On the Reddit specifically, you can see many sneaked in Rickroll memes, but more so jokes about people milking it. For example user u/ml-soham posted this picture below and said “How much more is it going to be milked”, reffering to the meme.

A community that can revive or rebirth a meme is bound to stay strong.

Pewdipie may hate it, but another fan commented on the first user's post, “I love how the community could revive dead memes” (U/galaxtagon). The community finds common ground and uses it to make internet relationships in this way.

The comments from the original post reminded me of a book that has a specific chapter on memes. The author states so poetically, “the meme is not dead: it is reborn: (McCulloch pg. 252).

What do users gain from being in this community?

An active member and hardcore pewdiepie fan wishes for one thing and one thing ONLY. That is the opportunity to get featured in one of Pewds youtube videos. That can be argued as the biggest thing that excites them. Even if they don’t get featured, it is also for members to meet other people online that share an interest, and I am not talking about just enjoying pewdiepie videos. This community has many sub-communities, bringing life through Reddit. Examples include, but are not limited to:

Fanart by u/ThinkingInSpaceArt

Members who make fan art. Many enjoy looking at fellow artists' work.

Minecraft lovers. Many Minecraft memes on Reddit. Bringing in fellow gamers.

Yoyo aficionados. Pewdiepie loves this toy; so many others learned how to use it professionally and would post videos.

How do Individual Members make R/PewdiepieSubmissions Strong?

Each individual adds together to build a strong community. The commitment of everyone helps construct a popular fan base, keeps members engaged, and brings awareness to the meeting place itself. This is proven when you look at Pewdiepie’s subscriber and Reddit Member count. He has one of the largest communities because of two things. His personality and his fans. His members adore his content and the community they surround themselves with.

So, if you aren’t sure if this community is worth it… This post should've proved that.

R/Pewdipiesubmissions is a place for content, memes, and wholesome friendship.

