Reasons Why Dreamcatcher’s Insomnia Community Is Still Afloat

As I have discussed before the dreamcatcher community for Insomnia is very small and compact compared to other K-Pop groups. Someone who does not identify as an insomnia would probably think that the group will soon disband because the community is very small, and it has a very slow rate of gaining new members. In my last couple medium posts, I disclosed how many fans were actually a part of dreamcatchers official platforms. These fans including myself are very active insomnia and we dedicate most of our time to supporting dreamcatcher. In my last medium post I will explain how dreamcatcher has been able to survive and what Insomnia has to gain by continuing to be in this online community.

Why is the Insomnia community still up and running?

Overall, the main reason as to why dreamcatcher has been able to survive this long is because of me and other insomnia. In Korea if a group does not succeed they ultimately disband, and the group is no more. This could be because of insufficient funds or because they didn’t promote properly to attract enough fans. In dreamcatchers case they are extremely lucky because they are based on a small company and the group is extremely underrated in Korea. The main aspect that saved dreamcatcher was fans like me. When I say fans like me I mean international fans who are not Korean. If it wasn’t for dreamcatchers massive international fanbase they would disband almost one hundred percent before the year 2020. Due to the overwhelming support aboard dreamcatcher has already had three tours in three different continents in a short amount of time. I actually attended the US tour they had in 2019 and it was an amazing experience. Dreamcatcher promotes more internationally than they do in Korea which might seem odd especially in the eyes of actual Koreans. Writer and actual Insomnia who I happen to know, Frank Sanchez talks about how dreamcatcher had to expand aboard because of their inability to succeed at home. “In South Korea, rock and metal are even less present in popular music culture — rock efforts by artists, especially those in the K-pop arena, have been relegated to interesting side experiments, and metal itself is considered most certainly an underground scene, overshadowed by K-pop’s constant presence.” Franks medium article is a well-versed piece of art that I hold to a high degree.

What Do Individual Insomnia like me have to gain by supporting dreamcatcher?

One of the main reasons why myself and other individual insomnia continue to remain in this community is that we build new connections, and we make new friends. Like almost every other community new participants join to make friends and bond over the common belief that the community holds. Just like Gretchen McCulloch said in her because internet novel “your experience of the internet and the language therein is shaped by who you were and who else was around at the time you joined.” There are more then enough reasons why me and my fellow insomnia continue to be in this community and support dreamcatcher. Not only is it about making friends but the genre of K-Pop really does entice us to stay because the majority of people are hardcore rock fans. Some people even hate K-Pop but just joined because dreamcatchers unique sound is so exhilarating. One user who actually doesn’t like K-Pop but joined the community because of their music said this thread on V LIVE. “Hello guys I have to be honest with you, but I really do not like K-Pop. I only joined because this K-Pop group happened to be rock oriented and I solely want to listen to them only.” This is surprisingly common as I found out many new fans hold this same judgment.

What Does Dreamcatchers Insomnia have to gain with all this commitment within the community?

Overall, what my community has to gain with all this commitment from other Insomnia and any new insomnia that decide to join later is that our community will grow stronger in the future. Dreamcatcher could become as big as some really popular K-Pop groups such as BTS, Twice, and Exo. Besides our fanbase growing we might be able to help dreamcatcher get their first music win. As I discussed before Dreamcatcher has yet to get their first and as a fan I really want to help them achieve this. This would be so great for the girls and I’m pretty sure this would make them happy. They have come so close to a music win multiple times and at this point people are starting to think the system is rigged. Fans have even started to apologize to dreamcatcher because they think that it’s their fault dreamcatcher can’t obtain a win. Users have gone to their V LIVE to type things such as “I sincerely apologize next time we will all try harder”. One of the dreamcatcher members came to comment on this thread and said, “Oh no, please don’t apologize it’s not your fault.” Moments like this really gets us emotional for some reason haha.

