UFO Sightings: Where to Find Believers Online

Have you ever been outside a night and you see what you assume is just another star? When you look closer you begin to realize that this star is different than the others. It seems to shine a little brighter than the others. For a second you could have sworn that you saw it move. Then it just disappears. So, you start to think that that must be impossible, right?

The following night, you check the night sky to see if it will happen again. Only this night, nothing happens. All you see is a sky full of normal stars, none of them look like the one you saw last night. You try this for a couple of nights and you get the same outcome each time. Nothing, every single time.

You start to get curious about what it was that you saw, so you begin searching around for answers. Where do you go if you do not know where to start looking? Where can you find others with similar experiences to yours and explanations?

Online Documenting of UFO Sightings

The first UFO sightings can be dated as far back as 1639. There have been countless UFO sightings since that moment. It is difficult to locate when the first UFO sighting was documented online but there have been thousands since the internet was invented. The concept of aliens has been a controversial topic for centuries. While some may believe that they are not real, others wholeheartedly believe that something extraterrestrial exists. If one were to search the word “alien” or the phrase “UFO sightings,” they would be met with more articles than they could imagine. The internet has enabled people to discuss these beliefs with others who are also interested in this subject.

There are many places where people who believe that they have seen UFOs congregate. There is one particularly large group that was created for this specific cause. This is the MUFON group. MUFON stands for the Mutual UFO Network. This group has multiple internet communities. They have a Facebook group, Twitter, Instagram, and their very own website, mufon.com. While they have communities on each social media page and their website, each platform seems to differ.

The different platforms for the communities on the internet have their different purposes. The purpose of the Facebook group is for people to openly share their experiences and their thoughts on the matter. The purpose of the Instagram account is for people to be able to post memes related to aliens and to give information about recent UFO sightings. The Twitter account has a similar purpose as the Instagram account. The more serious information is found on the MUFON website.

MUFON: The Official Website

To become a more serious part of the MUFON community, you should look at the MUFON website. To post articles on this website you would have to become a member, but the articles that are posted are accessible to the public. The number of members in this group is not made public online. However, you can tell that this website has a large community by the number of posts and the information provided on the website. This website is welcoming to people that are just looking to see UFO sightings, people that want to document their own experiences, and you could even volunteer to be apart of the research team. This website has a very official theme to it. You can view the leadership team, donate to this cause, track UFO sightings, and view all their research. The headquarters for the MUFON group is in Cincinnati, Ohio.

More With MUFON

While MUFON is a respected community to become apart of, becoming an official group member is not the only option. If you are not sure whether you want to be a more serious addition, you can find plenty of other internet platforms to engage with MUFON members. Whether you just want to gather more information on the strange thing you saw, see what places have the most UFO sightings, or you want to look at funny alien memes that other people have shared. The MUFON community has plenty of communities that are welcoming to everyone.

