“Why is NUMTOT Still Functioning”

Why is the community alive and functioning?

With how important Memes have become in today’s society, it has a way of joining people of different groups together, and increases our exposure to societal issues using humor. that makes people wonder, Why do some Memes last longer than others? Well I don’t know the answer to that, but for me the reason why i think the New Urbanist Meme for transit oriented Teens (NUMTOT) is still alive and functioning is because of their purpose for even creating the page in the first place, not all meme pages are here for just humor and entertainment but rather they are trying to accomplish a purpose but with adding a little bit of humor to it. For those that have never heard of the New Urbanist Meme for Transit Oriented Teens, well they are a Facebook meme page that dedicate their time to discussions about Internet memes, and general discourse surrounding New Urbanism and public transport. When this group was created people thought it was just a silly meme page that would not last for more than a year but with how much it has grown over the years, and how active the community is, people have realized that the NUMTOT’S are doing more than just making weird and random memes about trains or public transits, with the power of Meme they are using it to make a point and convince people as to why the U.S should invest more in public transportation systems,they are deeply invested in bringing meaningful change to the American Cities and Metropolitan Areas, they are using memes to bring people that share the same belief together to advocate and support each other in their quest to get the US government to invest more in public transits, so for me that is the reason why this this community is still alive and functioning. Another reason as to why i think this community is still alive is because of how active the members are especially on their facebook page in constantly creating, sharing and interacting in the comment sections to keep the community thriving.

What are individual members getting from the community? And how is the community Benefitting from it.

The thing that the individuals are each getting from this community is a sense of belonging, they get the feeling of knowing that they are part of something great, they have a lot of opportunities to connect with people that they share the same belief and ideas with,within the community the members feel safe about expressing themselves and their opinions are respected and not judged, all with adding the fact that they are having fun with it. I would say overall the NUMTOT community is benefitting a lot from individual member’s commitment because each member plays a big role in keeping the community active and running, they help bring more value, more awareness to the community. Especially now that memes have become so crucial in sharing information, members who have other social media platforms share memes that could possibly have important information with hundreds or thousands of others outside the community.

