Blog Post #10

Wail Eltag
ENG 3370
Published in
2 min readDec 11, 2017

Today we will be discussing two important topics regarding the consistency of-of Street Fighter franchise and the rise and success of E-sports.

First, we will delve into an article published by Vice magazine and written by Eric Allen. The article is titled Why Street Fighter Endures: Community. this article discusses The popular fighting game franchise and how it is still gaining fans and eSports clout.

Eric talks about how street fighter was pretty much there since the inception of fighting games. This doesn’t mean that it been great since the beginning their as always been criticism surrounding the game’s weather it was the lack of a campaign or an arcade mode the most popular critique on the game was the lag delay from the time you press a button to the time the controlled character actually performs the
action.(para 3)

As a kid, I remember playing street fighter and I don’t think I have ever complained about the aspects of the game I loved it. It just goes to show no matter how good a game is there will always be someone who is deliberately seeking out the negatives.

I think what made the street fighter so successful is the fact that no matter how good you are at the game their is always room for improvement that being said there is always someone out there that is better than you. This increases the games replayability aspect which can be a crucial characteristic of a “good game”

Next, we will be looking at an article published in the Guardian and written by Simon hattenstone. This article goes into depth about the unsung hero that is live video game streaming. Which some people would consider “the fastest growing sport in the world.” (para 1)

I totally agree with that statement because I personally enjoyed watching MLG tournaments back when I use to play Halo 3 I could literally stream the tournaments for hours on end and I would consider just as fun as personally playing the game.

I also see why there is a lot of uncertainty from the older community on why live streaming people playing video games is a thing but I feel that its territory that only our generation can truly appreciate.

The article states “The revenue from eSports is expected to rise from $130m (£100m) in 2012 to $465m (£365m) this year, according to Newzoo, the eSports data expert. The global audience will reach 385 million this year, made up of 191 million regular viewers and a further 194 million occasional viewers.”(para 5)

Clearly, the numbers don’t lie and we can expect that after a certain point the older generation that thinks watching other people play video games is a “stupid concept” will have a difficult time ignoring how much potential something like this has on popular culture.

