No Need for Narrative

Kallie Radford
ENG 3370
Published in
2 min readSep 21, 2017

Obviously, “No Need for Narrative” is a bold statement and simply not true in all scenarios, however, there is no need narrative in all games. There are many games where a narrative is not present. Even in games where a narrative is present there are options to opt out of playing that route. A lot of classic games do not have a story line, such as tetras, a rubrics cube, scrabble etc.

Role-play games tend to have narrative and in those games they can keep those games going. Ian Bogost, claims games are better without stories. I do not think that statement is entirely true. Even though I do think that there is some truth to what he says and thinks. I do enjoy the way he plays devils advocate. His opinion may not be the popular opinion but his comments opened my mind to a different side of the gaming world.

The best way I could understand having a narrative vs. not having a narrative is comparing it action movies. In most action movies there is a love story. I thought of the love story as being the narrative to a game. Depending on the person some may go to pay attention to the love story and others may only go to see action part of the scene. While a love story is necessary to some others could careless just like a narrative. Some players prefer to have a narrative in their game and others could careless.

Multi-player games have become more popular over the years. Computers, gaming counsels have become more advanced and allow gamers to play each other whiling be together or via the Internet. This allows gamers to not need a narrative. They are able to create their own game and run it the way they want. Some may argue that the players then create their narrative, which can be true.

