Tom’s 3rd Blog Post

Tommy Hall
ENG 3370
Published in
2 min readOct 13, 2017

The History of Gaming

Video games have been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. Starting with a Nintendo 64 to finally getting the Xbox one. When comparing these two gaming systems you could mention that the graphics have gotten much better, or you could mention that its incredible that you can play “online” with your friends that are miles away. I still think that it is incredible to have a mic connected to your controller and talk to your friends like you’re communicating over the telephone. The price of these new systems are completely different than those of arcade games.

After listening to the group presentation about the History, Growth and Change of games and gaming it became more relevant to me how much games have changed within my life time and how much more they could change in the future. Thinking back to when you had to go to the arcade to play games and the games are all huge machines to now being able to play these games in your own house with friends from all over. Some stats that were stated by Kallie were that the first game system was created in 1958 and it was used for academic reasons. I personal liked when the group mentioned all of the different generations of systems and how they’ve changed in so many different ways. Another thing I thought was extremely interesting was when Colin was explaining the different ways game designers work with graphics and quality of the games. When it comes to online play it was crazy to think how so many people can play within one game. Kerry mentioned that he plays the game Battle Field and when he enters a game there can be up to 82 people in one game, 41 vs 41. That right there just explains how much video games have changed and also how much the internet changing can affect video games.

To conclude I mentioned the different generations and the price differences. To how the gaming designers can change sooooo much within a scene with just a touch of a button. Finally, the difference between these games because of the internet and being able to play online with friends all over the world. Talk about staying connected with your friends in college.

