Moving the database onto the website

Rachel Forrester
Engage Troy
Published in
1 min readDec 9, 2016

I started moving some of the database information onto the website I created. All of the information I included exists in some form on the internet, but the idea behind this portion of the site/app is that all of your different representatives and leaders will be accessible from one place.

Here is an example of one of the sections on the local leaders page. As you can see in the photo below, each person has a photo, and if you hover over the photo you can see more information about the person. I am thinking that it would be cool to have each one link out to a separate page with a short self-bio and contact info, but for now clicking on a person just takes you to an email form. At some point in the future when the project is closer to completion, I will reach out to everyone whose information is included in the app/website and ask them for permission to include their information and if there is anything else they would like to see.

