
Rachel Forrester
Engage Troy
Published in
2 min readNov 14, 2016

The first part of designing an app is planning out what the content of the app will be. I created a word document with all of the pages that I want to be part of my app. This is turning out to be surprisingly difficult and time consuming. I had thought that I would just write out the idea of each page and make a list, but instead I have to detail exactly

  • what information will be on each page
  • how user gets from page to page
  • how many buttons are on a page
  • what will happen when each button is pressed
  • how and where the app will get the information it displays on a page

And I have to make it all flow and be legible, which is also complicated, since a lot of pages link back to the same home pages and it is really easy to put things in the wrong order or change my mind about something and have to go back and change one page, which leads to having to change all of the subpages, etc.

Some parts of my app skeleton thing

