Boost Your Productivity at Work: 7 Tools to Help Ensure Quality Work Everyday

Start With a To Do List

At the beginning of each workday, write out your intentions for the day and the goals you are going to accomplish. Writing out a detailed to-do list with objectives and a timeline reinforces motivation in the brain to accomplish your goals. This will also allow you to manage your time throughout the day so you are not bringing your work home.

Feed Your Brain

Food is fuel, and your brain needs a lot of it. While it can be easy to grab a quick burger or sandwich with chips at the office cafe, paired with a diet soda, this will not provide sufficient energy for your body to be productive the entire day. An easy solution is to pack a lunch and snacks, but for those who do not have the time, or the love of cooking, make more conscious decisions about what you are putting into your body. Many studies have shown that diet sodas are just as bad as regular sodas in the long run, and your body needs more than good-tasting fats and carbs to be at its best. Focus on proteins, vegetables, whole grains, and drinking plenty of water to make sure your brainpower lasts the entire day.

Tune it Out

Depending on your office environment, it can be easy to have a distraction-free work day or it can be filled with different noises and distractions throughout the day. It can be hard for your brain to stay focused with constant stimuli around you. Investing in a pair of noise-cancelling headphones can be a game changer, and most have a battery life of 6–7 hours, with an easy USB charging cord. Another idea is playing music in your office space to detach you from the noise around you, studies have shown that certain music allows your brain to focus and be more productive, Spotify and Apple Music both offer a variety of playlists to fill this need.

Take it One Task at a Time

Some days it can be easy to feel overwhelmed with tasks and you instead jump around from all of your to-do’s and end up with a bunch of half-completed projects at the end of the day. Instead, rank your assignments in order of importance and time frame, then go through each one by one with your full undivided attention until completion. Your boss and you will be grateful for this, as you will be more focused and produced better results if you focus on one project at a time.

Take a Break

While I am sure everyone misses the days where you could study for hours on end with no breaks or stay up through the nights cramming for an upcoming report or trial date, this is not how you can be your most productive self. Take a break, get out of your office for at least 45 minutes every day, and detach from the workspace. Forcing yourself to not move until work is complete is going to only have poor results on the quality of your work. Engage in an activity that has nothing to do with that day’s tasks, allow your brain to take a breather from that work, and enjoy some time to refresh.

Try Out a New Spot

Not everyone is built for the office life, in recent years we have seen a large increase in the number of offices switching to a hybrid work week or allowing employees to be virtual full-time. Now as lawyers, that is not a realistic work week, it is a constant flurry of client meetings, court preparation, and research, all of which require some sort of office space. But that doesn’t mean you need to always stay in the same spot, switch up your routine and try something new. A cohort space is a great option to remain in a professional environment with other lawyers but also brings a new energy to your workspace. Check out the options at our website here which allows for virtual and full-time members to enjoy a workspace built for lawyers, by lawyers.

Give Yourself Grace

Every day is not going to be the best in terms of productivity, and that is okay because it is realistic. There are a number of outside factors that can impact your ability to complete all your projects for the day or week, that is just how life goes. However, do not let one bad work day or work week affect your mindset going forward. The best thing you can teach yourself is to not allow the previous day’s work to affect the next day’s productivity.

Engage Workspace for Lawyers is an office space for lawyers built by lawyers. Represented by intellectual property law firm , Klemchuk PLLC. or .

Originally published at on October 17, 2023.



Darin M. Klemchuk
Elevate by Engage Workspace for Lawyers

I help businesses solve problems through intellectual property (IP) law and business strategy. Managing Partner/Founder of Klemchuk PLLC,