Create a Legal Office Space that Serves You

Most people spend a third of their life at work, so why do many treat our office space like a second thought? We take the time to personalize our homes, but just accept the white walls and fluorescent lighting in our offices. It’s been proven time and time again that adding personal touches to your space can make you more relaxed and productive. So, below we’ve listed a few simple tricks to try in your office or cubicle, so you can finally tackle that to-do list.

This is an easy fix! Create designated places for everything: papers, stapler, pens, etc. Also, if you are an avid user of post-it notes, instead of leaving them stuck on every surface- try sticking them into a notebook at the end of your day. That way you still have that phone number you jotted down but it’s more organized, which will help keep your space clean and make the information easier to find later. If you keep your workspace clear, it’ll help keep your head clear.

Desk faces the door/ entrance to your space

This is an easy power move to make. By facing the entrance of your office, you put yourself in a position of command. Even if you have an L-shaped or U-shaped desk you can position it, so you don’t lose that power position if someone comes in.

Unless you have a standing desk, you’ll spend most of the day sitting, so your choice of chair is important. It needs to be both attractive and comfortable, preferably with a high back to make you feel more supported. There are also things you can purchase to pair with a good chair, such as a lumbar support pillow or foot hammock. These can help alleviate some discomfort without junking up your space. Comfort is just as important in your office as organization.

Adding plants to a space literally brings life to it: they clean the air, cheer up a room, and provide a little companionship. By inviting nature into your space, you’re helping eliminate the anxiety that comes from sitting indoors all day. If you’re worried about having something to take care of, don’t be! There are so many varieties of indoor plants that are low maintenance, such as succulents. They are easy to care for and look great almost anywhere.

Colors to decorate with & why:

* Green: Improves health and balance

* Blue: supports career success and growth

* Yellow: represents happiness and good times

* White: brings creative energy

* Earth tones: Helps with stress

Lamps and alternative lighting to fluorescents

Anyone who has worked in an office space can talk about how horrible fluorescent lighting is, no one looks great in it and a lot of people even get headaches if they are around them for too long. This is why natural light and/or lamps can make such a huge difference in an office. Keep the blinds open if you have windows and really utilize that natural light, or if you have an interior office add a standing lamp or desk lamp to help eliminate the necessity for those bright overhead lights.

Engage is a coworking space for lawyers where they can launch their firms, accelerate their practices, and leverage top-tier law firm amenities and resources without typical law firm drawbacks.

Originally published at on April 1, 2020.



Darin M. Klemchuk
Elevate by Engage Workspace for Lawyers

I help businesses solve problems through intellectual property (IP) law and business strategy. Managing Partner/Founder of Klemchuk PLLC,