Flexible Office Space for Lawyers

As we approach the second half of the year with an unsteady economy, a lot of businesses are uncertain about the future. When you’re not sure what the next 6 months looks like, let alone 5 years, signing a long-term lease with large upfront costs can bring about many anxieties. That’s why more and more companies are looking at executive suites and coworking spaces as an alternative to traditional office spaces. There are a lot of companies who can benefit from the flexibility of executive suites or coworking space, and due to the nature and structure of their practices, attorneys are a specific niche that could especially benefit greatly.

There are several reasons why flexible office space arrangements are beneficial:

In a law firm, more than any other business, fluctuations in staff and in workload can shift quickly. That’s why, for many small law firms, signing a three or five-year lease is stressful. With executive suites, like Engage, we offer year-to-year agreements with the ability to expand mid-term if you need to. We do this because we understand that things can move fast in the law world and you need to be able to move with it.

Unlike traditional commercial leases, at Engage we don’t require a huge capital outlay in order to secure an agreement with us. And the space is already built out, so you won’t need to worry about managing a construction budget or timeline, and we even have furniture you can rent if you truly want to just plug in and go. Lower upfront costs mean more flexibility going forward.

Includes Office Equipment

Dealing with printer or phone issues can take a lot of time, but a flexible office space company like Engage has an administrative team to do that for you. Buying all the shipping supplies, printer paper, ink, pens, batteries, etc. can add up quickly, not to mention the time it takes to make constant runs to the store to restock. Coworking spaces like ours provides the office supplies you need to keep your firm running smoothly, without the huge price tag.

Usually has an Administrative Staff

Flexible office spaces, like executive suites or coworking, usually offer full-time reception as part of their amenities. Not only does this help your firm save money by not having to hire a receptionist of your own, but having your clients greeted quickly and professionally reflects positively on you.

One flat fee, no utilities or vendor contracts

Budgeting is a major part of running your own firm. An attorney lives and dies by his/her billing, so the more time you can spend with your clients the better off your practice will be. At Engage, we offer a flat rate for your membership. You don’t have to worry about electricity bills going up or trying to negotiate with vendors. You know how much your membership will cost every month, which provides stability in your monthly budget and reduces stress.

Referral Network Within Arm’s Reach

Officing with other attorneys and professionals can help provide a community that you wouldn’t be able to find if you officed alone or at home. You have a built-in networking to help with referrals and keep in touch with the legal community. In addition, being able to pick someone else’s brain about a case or problem can help you run a better practice.

Legal Flexible Office Space: benefits of being in a firm without the entanglements of being in a firm

Legal coworking spaces, like Engage, provide many of the benefits of being in a law firm like expense sharing, access to resources, and offloading administrative tasks that keep you from billing without the entanglements of conflicts checks, partner meetings, and disagreements typical of partnerships. This arrangement allows our members to be maximize their independence as well as their billings.

Not all legal coworking spaces and executive suites would work for a small firm or solo attorney. You need a higher level of privacy and security, which means many coworking spaces may not be ideal for a law firm. Engage caters to attorneys, which means we provide amenities such as physical and virtual security, private offices, and a professional setting.

We have multiple law firms in diverse practice areas officing with us which helps create the professional atmosphere many attorneys are looking for, but it also provides a built-in referral network. We also host events such as CLEs to provide even more opportunities to grow your firm and build a network of attorneys.

Engage is a coworking space for lawyers where they can launch their firms, accelerate their practices, and leverage top-tier law firm amenities and resources without typical law firm drawbacks.

Originally published at https://www.lawofficespace.com/flexible-office-space on May 19, 2020.



Darin M. Klemchuk
Elevate by Engage Workspace for Lawyers

I help businesses solve problems through intellectual property (IP) law and business strategy. Managing Partner/Founder of Klemchuk PLLC, www.klemchuk.com