2023 Unwrapped: Some of Engage’s Most Popular Stories

Your go-to guide for the year’s must-reads

Rui Alves


Image by starline on Freepik

I can’t believe it’s been a whole year since we embarked on this wild ride together.

Engage hit its first trip around the sun on October 25, and let me say it out loud:

2023 has been a rollercoaster!

But we’re still here, doing our best to serve our community and please our audience with stories that have heart and soul.

None of this would’ve been possible without you, the incredible writers behind the stories, and the awesome readers who engage with them.

Together, we’ve shared the magic of writing through some jaw-dropping revelations and thought-provoking stories.

So we’ve handpicked a diverse chandelier of gripping pieces that kept readers hooked from start to finish all the way through 2023.

This list aims to showcase the eclectic voices that define our community.

We’ve also decided to put together this list in the spirit of the platform’s latest feature, “Friend Of Medium.” Engage is rooted in the same principles as FOM.

Being a community-centric publication means that supporting our writers is in our ethos, and everything we do is with both the readers and authors in mind.

So every story below has a FOM hyperlink allowing free access to each story. You can share the link with others, meaning people can access it and pass it on.

Sharing a story using a Friend Link means the writer gets earnings from non-members who check it while still earning from paying members and friends who access the story through the hyperlink.

If you don’t want readers to bypass the paywall and read your stories in full, please let us know via private note, and we’ll replace it with the standard link.

Are Public Libraries a Dinosaur and Relic of the Past?

This dinosaur thought they were, but could I be wrong?
Michael Rhodes

My Heart Finally Found Its Voice to Answer Their Awkward Question

It may not be a perfectly good answer, but it finally felt honest and appropriate

The Fear Of Success Is Real

Doing things just for fun is allowed
Susan Wheelock

Is That What I Look Like?!

A gift I will treasure forever
Claire Franky

How I Easily Publish 88 Pieces of Content Each Month Using This System

There is an art and a science to everything in life.
Tom Handy

Medium Engagement is Salve for Rejection Wounds

One comment sent me over the moon today
Deb Palmer

God Spoke to Me This Morning

And he made me laugh
Annie Trevaskis

The Cultural Belief of Marrying Frogs

On hot sunny days, frogs get married
Dr. Preeti Singh

This Shocking and Eye-Opening Dating Trend Brings New Heartache

Being Zombied is worse than Ghosting
Lisa S. Gerard

3 Months After I Was Told I Have Cancer

My thoughts then and my reflections now
Shanti C K

How Your Zoom Background Can Impact Trust and Competence Perception

Boost Your Zoom Presence
B.R. Shenoy

Flipping the Tables on My Fear

Engage’s Challenge on ‘Fear Kills Dreams’ dredges up memories of a crushing moment in my early writing life
Trisha Faye

I Should Have a Ph.D

In eavesdropping
Edith Gallagher Boyd

Writers, Please, Don’t Give Up!

The road is long and tiring, but success can’t find you if you are unprepared and unavailable.
Annelise Lords

Moose, Minks, & Muskrats: Thoreau’s Expedition along the Penobscot River in 1854

This is fiction, and some wildlife might not match what was true in Maine in 1854. Just for fun, let’s imagine Henry David Thoreau on a hunting and trapping expedition in the Maine woods
Stephen Dalton

One’s Deepest Fear Should Be Jailed In The Basement

Then throw away the key and nail shut the door
By Joel R. Dennstedt

My Last Xmas Carol

How choosing your own song in life brings untold joy
Wm Raff

Neurodivergence and Special Interests: Explored Through My Love of Linguistics

The theory of monotropism and a deep dive into an ADHD language nerd’s mind
Ashely L. Crouch

The Magic of Elfing and Framily

Establishing holiday traditions, concocting joy from thin air, and redefining family.
Melissa Corrigan

A Story of Family and Change

The Wind in the Trees
Darrel Boyd

Maximizing Tiny Pockets of Time

In a way that doesn’t exhaust me.
Jenna Tidd

How to Stay Motivated During the Festive Season

A few ideas to help you keep the wheels rolling
Mario López-Goicoechea

He Called Her a Goddess, I Called Her a Cab, and That Saved Us Both

She had the boobs, but I had the banter, luckily…
Rachel A Fefer

The Christmas Eve I Discovered the Secret of Santa

Took years of trial and error, loads of caffeine, and some wild, wacky ideas
Mike Butler

Why Time Passes Faster as We Age

The Elusive Nature of Time Perception
By Rosa Diaz-Casal

The placement of these stories is in no way a reflection of ranking; each piece holds its unique charm and has left an indelible mark on Engage.

As the curtain drops on 2023, we want to extend our heartfelt gratitude to every member of our vibrant community, every link in our writing chain, and our beloved writers and readers.

Your passion, creativity, and dedication have fueled Engage’s boosters in our maiden flight around the sun.

Here’s to another year of shared stories, thought-provoking ideas, and the incredible bond that makes Engage the thriving community it is.

Wishing each one of you a Happy New Year! May 2024 bring you joy, success, and, of course, more incredible stories to savor. Let’s continue to walk down the yellow brick road together.

Cheers to a fantastic year ahead!

You Rock!

The Engage family is always open to welcoming new writers. Explore our new This Happened to Me, Self, Life, and Life Lessons categories. If you have a story to share, find out how to submit it below. We can’t wait to read your story and welcome you into the Engage community.

Meanwhile, please consider subscribing to our newsletter.



Rui Alves
Editor for

Language teacher, linguist, life coach, published author (joined the Army and worked for the EU). A publisher, digital ronin, musician and alchemist of sound.