A Resolution to Breathe Freely

2012 became a monumental year for me

Edith Gallagher Boyd


Sisters in Paris
Photo: owned by Author

Springboarding from a loving fun-filled childhood, I married and became mother of a son in the 1980’s.

It seems flat and lifeless to speak of personal resolutions without the backdrop of my family. I’ve been very lucky in my personal relationships and have prioritized my love for my husband and son above all else. I visualize this love lasting into eternity.

2012 became a monumental year for me

My uncle, who had been encouraging me to write since I was in college, died with my not having followed his advice. During his life, I made a few attempts at writing, but in a half-hearted way just to keep him happy. And writers know you have to love the work to do it.

Father Joe was a Navy Chaplain who traveled extensively and grabbed life by the horns and lived it. He was stationed all over the world and developed a particular affection for Japan and its people when he was stationed in Sasebo. He was interested in sports, especially college football, literature and theater. He was a playwright and authored several books. He was also a dedicated priest and counselor.

In keeping with the terms of the Catholic faith, he didn’t marry or have children and his nieces and nephews reaped the…



Edith Gallagher Boyd
Writer for

Edith Gallagher Boyd is a graduate of Temple University and a former French teacher. Avid sports fan with special angst for Philadelphia Eagles.