A Thing of Beauty Isn’t a Joy for Ever

A hilarious tale of the misadventures of a foolish romantic

Indra Raj Pathak
3 min readJun 14, 2023


Photo by Mitchell Orr on Unsplash

Oh, gather ‘round, my friends, and prepare yourselves for a tale that will have you laughing till your sides ache and tears stream down your face.

Today, I shall regale you with a personal experience that perfectly exemplifies the age-old adage: “A thing of beauty isn’t a joy forever.

Trust me, dear readers, for I learned this lesson the hard way.

Once upon a time, in a land not too far away, there stood a magnificent mansion known as the Glorious Estate. It was a sight to behold, with its grand pillars, sprawling gardens, and a chandelier that could blind you with its opulence.

I was fortunate enough to be invited to a lavish party held within those very walls.

As I entered the estate, my jaw dropped in awe. It was as if I had stepped into a fairytale.

The guests, bedecked in their finest attire, flitted about like graceful butterflies. The air was filled with the melodies of a live orchestra, and the aroma of sumptuous delicacies wafted from every corner.

It was a feast for the senses, and I was intoxicated by its allure.

I soon found myself entranced by the enchanting beauty of a young lady named Penelope. With her flowing locks of golden hair and eyes that sparkled like the stars, she seemed to embody perfection itself. Every step she took, every word she spoke, seemed to be straight out of a romantic novel.

I mustered up all my courage and approached Penelope, hoping to strike up a conversation that would rival the works of Shakespeare.

To my surprise, she responded warmly and seemed genuinely interested in my tales of misadventure and witticisms.

We laughed, we danced, and for a brief moment, it felt like the world belonged to us alone.

Days turned into weeks, and weeks into months. Penelope and I became inseparable.

We strolled through gardens hand in hand, whispered sweet nothings under moonlit skies, and exchanged promises of eternal love. It was as if we had discovered the secret to everlasting joy.

But alas, dear readers, fate had other plans.

One fateful morning, as the sun bathed the Glorious Estate in a golden glow, Penelope approached me with a heavy heart. Her voice quivered as she uttered the words that shattered my world like fragile glass.

“I’m sorry,” she said, tears welling in her eyes. “I’ve met someone else.”

I stood there dumbfounded, my heart sinking like a stone in the ocean.

How could this be?

Hadn’t we promised each other eternal happiness?

But it seems even the most beautiful flowers wither and die, and our love had met its untimely demise.

As I reflect upon that ill-fated romance, dear readers, I realize the profound truth behind the statement —

“A thing of beauty isn’t a joy forever.”

For beauty, no matter how captivating, is fleeting.

It entices us, enthralls us, and fills our hearts with boundless joy, only to disappear as swiftly as it arrived.

I wish, let this cautionary tale of fiction serve as a reminder to cherish the beauty that graces our lives but never to place all our hopes and dreams solely on its fragile shoulders.

For beauty is but a passing visitor, and true joy lies in the appreciation of the ever-changing screen of life.

And with that, I bid you adieu, hoping that my misfortune has brought a smile to your face and a newfound appreciation for the fleeting nature of beauty.

Remember, my friends, laughter is the balm that soothes even the most broken of hearts.



Indra Raj Pathak

Educationist, pragmatic, writer-poet by passion. Editor.