Celebrating My Friends Who Saved My Life

Sharing the story of my caregivers on my first anniversary as a stroke survivor

Andi Nara


Photo by Gaelle Marcel on Unsplash

On December 22, 2022, I survived a double stroke.

That Thursday started as any other day. The only exceptional or noteworthy part at the beginning seemed to be that it was the day of my first intercontinental trip with my dog, Nara. The first day of my well-deserved sabbatical, six weeks in California, visiting friends, creating new memories, and enjoying life to the fullest. I had a perfectly good plan.

That is just the thing with plans. The first rule one learns about plans — whose profession accidentally happens to be project management — is it’s good to have one so one can always know what one is diverging from.

I did not plan to be taken off the plane by the paramedics at SFO International Airport. My plan did not contain leaving my beloved dog behind on a plane, on another continent, while being rushed for emergency life-saving brain surgery. Above all, my plan most definitely did not contain to be the cause of “the worst day of my life” for many people whom I love dearly.

While I thoroughly shared my part of the story earlier this year, those articles covered only some of the whole picture. You see, I was not alone in this. Just how…




Published in Engage

Engage is a leading publication for creative nonfiction, showcasing personal essays, memoirs, and authentic human stories inspired by real-life and meaningful life lessons by makers, adventurers, and everyone with a memorable life story to share.

Andi Nara
Andi Nara

Written by Andi Nara

I write my life story - how I reclaimed myself after 18+ years of toxic trauma | Stroke Survivor | Championing Women in Leadership | Mentor | Human | Dog owner

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