Do You Write Your Articles With the Help of AI?

These Tips Will Spare You From Getting Banned

James D Kidiga
3 min readMar 24, 2024


Photo by Steve Johnson on Unsplash

In this time of advanced technology, here comes artificial intelligence (AI), and within we find tools like ChatGPT. It has revolutionized the way we approach writing and content creation.

Check this out; while AI can be a powerful and good tool in generating ideas and enhancing content, there’s a growing concern about overdependence on these tools, especially in articles and online publications.

Here, we’ll explore the significance of balancing between human creativity and AI assistance, and how to avoid sounding too robotic in our writing.

So, AI, including ChatGPT, clearly offers abundant benefits in writing. It helps to streamline the brainstorming process, provide insights, and also suggest improvements to language and structure.

A lot of writers, myself included, have found AI to be a valuable resource in enhancing productivity and creativity. However, it’s very vital to recognize that AI should complement, not replace, human ingenuity and individual voice in writing.

Among the pitfalls of over too much use of AI is the risk of producing content that sounds mechanized or lacks credibility.

While AI algorithms are incredibly advanced, they may not fully grasp the complexities of human expression, tone, and context. As a result, articles generated predominantly by AI can come across as impersonal or devoid of genuine personality. This can alienate readers and undermine the credibility of the content.

Nevertheless, there’s an emerging issue within online publishing platforms, particularly Medium, regarding the propagation of AI-generated articles.

I saw posts from some writers here on Medium, including the Medium staff, Buster Benson, that some accounts will face the consequences, including banning (completely or temporarily — depending on some circumstances), for putting plagiarized and AI-generated content behind paywalls for monetization.

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It was also made clear that users can post AI content if they’re not on Medium membership or MPP.

Also, I’d advise those who are not members to avoid using too much AI and hence learn how to balance it ASAP for your safety and future monetization.

And if you’re new on Medium and depend on AI mostly, it will be difficult for your articles to be accepted in publications. Most publications do not accept that, hence you’ll probably not easily get noticed for the audience to engage in your articles

I learned such valuable tips here on Medium, and I’m still learning.


So, as a writer, what can you do to maintain a healthy balance between AI assistance and human creativity?

I think it’s better to write your own articles and apply Grammarly for corrections.

Or, just use AI as a tool rather than a crutch.

AI can provide valuable insights and suggestions, so you should remain actively engaged in the creative process, infusing their unique perspectives and voices into your posts.

Integrating personal stories, experiences, and emotions can help infuse articles that are authentic and resonating.

You should be mindful of the proportion of AI-generated content within your articles.

If you cannot avoid AI in producing articles, try to keep its usage below 15% by applying ZeroGPT or any other tool that you find better.

This is to make sure that the final product remains genuine and reflective of your individuality.

For me, I mix up, sometimes I write pure human articles, and sometimes I use AI (but mostly below 10%).

Eventually, while AI has greatly transformed the domain of writing, it’s important to approach its usage very well. By not using AI completely or balancing it with human creativity, you can produce captivating, valuable content that resonates with readers.

What are your thoughts about this? Welcome.



James D Kidiga
Writer for

An education professional and digital lad striving toward Career Growth, Innovation, Digital Literacy, Leadership, and Personal Development.