Dreams Kill Fears

(October prompt) Nothing gets in the way of “fears”



My youngest daughter Megan, grandson Jeremiah, and me (three generations). Photo taken by Megan Hutchinson as a selfie because she’s the selfie expert of the family.

The year was 2011. I worked at a law firm in Silicon Valley where I’d been for many years, and decided that, though I enjoyed kids, I was done with the whole “kid scene.” I remember telling some of my friends this — that now that my youngest was 18, I was about to have so much more freedom.

My baby girl Megan was 18, and my older kids were in their late 20s. Heck, Stevie was only 30. How did that happen? Then I heard the news from my son Jeremy that I was going to be a grandma. I was super excited, of course, because this would be my first grandchild. But the role of the grandparent, is super different from being a parent, right?

I looked forward to spending time with the new one. But nothing prepared me for what it would really be like to become a grandparent for the first time. I had no clue. It hit me like a ton of bricks.

Jeremy and Jen knew the baby was a boy ahead of time, and they even had cool ultrasound photos. But the baby never went “head down,” which meant he was a “breach.” So…



Writer for

Writer of Creative Nonfiction and Fiction; Ukulele Player; Lover of the Beatles, rock n’ roll, and the 1960s. Mom & Grandma; lives in Eugene, OR with BF & cat.