Easy Money — Work Smart, Once. Keep Your Eyes Open, Hands Out, and Feet Moving

I took my own advice and increased my earnings

Lisa S. Gerard
Published in
6 min readNov 4, 2022


Cash spread out with bar graph and smiling woman
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

This is not a money story but an opportunity story.

I don’t talk dollar figures.

Ultimately, a tidy sum to one person may be peanuts to another. It’s quite subjective and personal.

I’m uncomfortable looking in your wallet because it’s not my business what you’re raking in.

And don’t ask to look in mine.

I do, however, believe in sharing approaches, new methods, and additional income opportunities, that have worked for me.

Last November, I published a story about leaving my writer’s comfort zone. It pertained to starting at Vocal in January of 2021 but feeling unfulfilled.

I tiptoed into Medium by joining in April 2021 as a shy, nail-biting, unconfident, but hopeful writer.

Just 7 months after joining Medium, I shared my insight.



Lisa S. Gerard

Just doing my thing, letting you do yours. Be kind. It matters. Help break Mental Health stigma. Share a smile. https://lisasgerard.medium.com/membership