From Blue to Orange in a Split Second

How to Shake Off a Little Blues



young man wearing glasses with half his face in blue
Image from the public domain

W e all have down moments. Sometimes those moments stretch into hours or days, or even longer, and then we might call it depression, although it is not always that. The definitions of mental states are fuzzy, but I’m not talking about it. This short piece is about personal experiences of shaking off a little blues. Hope it might help some of you too.


A lot of things can bring us down. Regardless of the reason, once you feel being there, you know it is hard to get out. Having some good knowledge about body-mind connection, when I find myself in this kind of pit, I tend to rely on body rather than mind to try to get out of it.

Why? Because it is easier to force yourself to start moving your body when you are feeling down than to uplift your mind just by thinking about it. Of course, what kind of physical movement to do would depend on your habits, preferences, the strength of your willpower, state of your physical and emotional health, etc.

Nevertheless, the main idea is to start moving your body, in whatever way to can, prefer, or able to do.

Of course it is very hard to force yourself to go to the gym when you don’t want to do anything at all, and having trouble to get out of bed. However, if your…




Top-bottom writer (LOL). Zigzagging. Trying different things.