How I Knew I Loved Her — And Why I Left Her Behind

Following my intuition put me on the right path — which led to the right person.

James Lloyd


The author on top of a cliff with the ocean on the background.
Following my intuition put me on the right path — which led to the right person. (Credit: Author)

“You’ll meet someone,” my colleague said on my last day in the office, just days before I would set out on the journey of a lifetime.

“You know I have a partner, right?”

I brushed him off. I was in the healthiest relationship of my life. She was smart, kind, beautiful — everything a great partner was supposed to be.

But he gave an all-knowing smile.

“You’ll see.”

It was easy to dismiss my colleague’s prophecy as some fantasy he was projecting.

It stuck with me though. I carried it as I walked around the coast of Great Britain.

To walk the coast or not became a loaded decision between following a path I intuitively knew was right for me or continuing with an unfulfilled life of how I was expected to live.

And perhaps deep down, I hoped that choosing to realign my life and pursue my passions would attract someone right for me.

The walk was everything I hoped it would be, and more.

I was living my authentic self, and so when I made connections with people along the way, they…



James Lloyd
Writer for

Exploring mental health, relationships and following my bliss through my transformative experience walking around the coast of Great Britain.