My Exclusive Answers to Questions Asked For Medium Day

Answers you always wanted to know about writing.

Tom Handy


Photo by Zen Chung on Pexels

Writing is an art and a science. But when you write online, that is a completely different animal.

Whatever you learned in school does not apply when you write online. Some ideas do, but most do not.

Initially, I was supposed to speak on Medium Day on Saturday. August 12, but I got bumped. I’m not really disappointed, but it would have been fun to tell a little about my story and answer some questions from fellow writers.

So, instead, I’m going to answer most of the questions below. For a few, I honestly don’t know the answer. For the ones I do, I will answer them.

These are in order from writers who asked me questions in this article.

Here we go…

Fellow writer Gayle Kurtzer-Meyers asked me how to use Medium for additional earning opportunities and contacts.

Since I joined Medium a little over three years ago, I, like other writers, tried to find ways to earn an income from the platform. Medium did okay for me even though I made it to the elusive 7% of writers who made at least $100 a month. So I search for other sources of income as a writer.



Tom Handy
Writer for

I ghostwrite articles for FinTech executives. Seen in Morning Brew, Money magazine. Get my free email course