My Fear and Its Remedy Share the Same Name

“Vulnerability is not winning or losing; it’s having the courage to show up and be seen…” Brené Brown



A disturbed pond…ripples waves out with the shadow of tree leaves at the very top of the photo
Image from CanvaPro

A pebble was thrown into the pond of my writer’s thoughts.

Two days ago I read, “Do people read you because you read them or because you’re a writer?”

As the ripples gained momentum, I was bothered both by the discomfort of a seemingly innocent question — while at the same time frustrated that I wanted to know its true answer.

Why do I need this answer? What am I afraid of?

I felt vulnerable. Exposed. Do readers notice I am not a writer — yet?

What if they’ve seen I’m not a writer who quite understands how to draw an audience in and keep them captivated from beginning to end? What if they see my failures and shortcomings?

A timely gift of love and friendship reminded me….vulnerability is the remedy to my disturbed peace. It always has been.

I gave up on Facebook a little over a year ago. Writing on Medium nailed the coffin tightly.

I dipped my toes into social media when Facebook first opened, and the water was warm and inviting — finding friends from years gone by was exciting! It was carefree and fun…




Wife, mother, teacher, people/music lover and writer: sharing bits of her soul one story at a time.