My Morning Coffee Workout

Attaching fitness to a daily activity helps me stay consistent

Jenna Tidd


Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash

One, two, three, four…down, up, down, up.

Visions of beautiful hiking trails roll through my mind like a movie trailer as I hang onto the kitchen counter and pump out more squats.

It’s 6:00 am, and the coffee pot is bubbling away behind me, a wonderful reminder of the pleasure that is soon to come. It’s also my workout timer, pushing me to see how much exercise I can fit into those few minutes of brewing.

First cup of coffee = Round 1

I start with squats.

Normally, I hate squats for their tendency to build up my already voluptuous thighs to even greater proportions. Luckily, I learned that by holding onto the kitchen sink and leaning my weight backwards, I can hit my target area of the upper hamstrings and butt.

I imagine all of the places I want to explore, and I know I need strong legs and hips to carry me there.

Next up — pushups.

I turn away from the counter, drop down to the kitchen floor, and start pushing until I can’t do any more. Although it’s a habit to count reps, I don’t focus on the number.



Jenna Tidd

Health/wellness content writer and copy editor with 10 years of healthcare experience. For professional content, contact me at