On Life’s Highway, Some Are Speeding From Behind and Some Are Cruising Ahead — This Is What It Looks Like in the Middle

Published in
6 min readNov 17, 2022


highway straight ahead, blue skies above, quote below saying roads are made to be journeys not destinations from Confucius
“Roads were made for journeys, not destinations” by Confucius / Canva image

I guess I’ve arrived. I’m taking a very long time to accept it. But I am. Perhaps there’s no better place to announce it than on a public forum like this — so here goes: I am middle-aged!

Nope, I haven’t turned the momentous age of 40 or 50 today. I remember crossing over into my 40s and while there was no pomp and circumstance for that cross-over, I remember “trying” to ease myself into it. (I know, I know — a day older is a day older…just work with me on this past mentality)

At 40, I conveniently placed myself in the late 30’s group — grabbing hold of 39 like it was going to save me from falling into some dark bottomless pit!

And yet here I am today — comfortably sitting at 47 — a few months away from 48. I am physically and definitively aware, I’m a middle-aged woman.

I joke to myself lately, “Wow Nat, look at you sitting with this young group of ladies — and what do you know — you are indeed the oldest!” How did this happen?

I was forever the youngest in “the group”! Throughout my childhood and youth, I always gravitated to those older than I — friends, teachers, colleagues, and neighbors.




Wife, mother, teacher, people/music lover and writer: sharing bits of her soul one story at a time.