Perfection As The Ultimate Reality

The aspiration for perfection culminates as truth

Joel R. Dennstedt
Published in
3 min readMar 22, 2023


Image from Pixabay

Full Disclosure: Currently, I am the Final Editor for Ivan Antic’s book revisions.

Ivan Antic, perhaps the most important metaphysical writer today, has a book (not yet revised) called, Everything Is Perfect: Why Do We Not See It?

I have not yet edited this book, nor am I here to espouse its contents.

But Ivan and I share a distinctly similar understanding of metaphysical concerns, and perhaps this one most of all: Everything is perfect as it stands. We just don’t see it.

And therein lies all the conflict, turmoil, and suffering in our world.

Certainly not because if we saw perfection we would stop effecting change.

But because if we knew the truth, we would not cause the conflict, turmoil, and suffering.

The world is perfect as it stands because as such it is leading us through the process of…

